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Here is Your Word for Today.
March 11, 2008

Tuesday, 11th March 2008 : Today's Word is ...


( Transitive Verb )

Past and past participle : palliated
Present participle : palliating
3rd person present singular : palliates

Pronunciation : p�llee-�yt


1. to reduce the intensity or severity of something

2. to make or attempt to make an offense seem less serious by providing excuses or mitigating evidence

3. to alleviate a symptom without curing the underlying medical condition

4. to conceal or make light of a fault or offense

5. to provide physical relief as from pain


15th century - Latin palliat - past participle of palliare - cover, hide - pallium - covering


abate, allay, alleviate, apologize for, assuage, camouflage, cloak, conceal, condone, cover, diminish, disguise, dissemble, ease, exculpate, excuse, extenuate, gloss over, gloze, hide, hush up, justify, lessen, lighten, mask, minimize, mitigate, moderate, mollify, prettify, qualify, quick fix, relieve, screen, soften, soothe, sugarcoat, temper, varnish, veil, veneer, vindicate, white, whiten, whitewash

Quiet( Noun ) is the absence of sound.

Quiet( Verb ) - to make calm, still or quiet.

Quiet( Adjective) - free of noise or uproar or making little if any sound.

Quite( Adjective) means to the greatest extent or actually, really or truly.


aggravate, worsen, agitate, excite, upset, accuse, blame, condemn

Contextual Examples:

� You take aspirin in the hope that it will palliate your headache. Aspirin is a palliative.

� We tried unsuccessfully to palliate the widespread discontent prevailing among the public about our company.

� While trying to palliate these misdeeds, the defendant's Attorney turned suddenly to the Judge.

� Being subjects either of an absolute or limited monarchy, they have endeavored to heighten the advantages or palliate the evils of those forms.

Related Words:

palliation : Noun

palliator : Noun

palliative : Adjective

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