Adverb Clause of Place

The Adverb Clause of Place indicates the place about which the verb talks.

The Adverb Clause of Place starts with where, wherever, whereas etc…


• I have put it
where I can find it again.
In this sentence, the Clause, ‘where I can find it again’ indicates the place where it is put.
That Adverb Clause is of Place.

• They can stay
where they are.
In this sentence, the Adverb-Clause ‘where they are’ indicates the place where they can stay.
That is an Adverb-Clause of Place.

In the following sentences, the Adverb-Clauses of Place have been colored

Wherever you live, I will come to that place to live.

• He led the caravan,
wherever he wanted to go.

• You can paste it
wherever you like to be.

• Let him be arrested
wherever he may be found.

• Let us go to
where they asked us to wait.

Go to the section on Adverb Clause of Condition to continue

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