TOP 100 Poems

TOP 100 Poems :

Poems awaken the dormant soul in us. We all come at place, where we feel dejected and disenfranchised with this materialistic world, once in our lives. At that time of undetermined condition and confusion, the poems will make our heart clear of all the debris and unwanted feelings and make our heart pure with the awakened soul. We have to make it clear that we want peace and love in this wonderful life over all other things of materialism. Here are those poems which come under this kind of nature to make yourself proud of having been born MAN / WOMAN in this beautiful world. We have collected these poems with deligence and long-waiting. The list may vary from person to person. Of course, no one could determine what the best poem is. The choice of yours may be different. Ours is not the fianl list. You can prepare your own list of the TOP 100 poems.

  1. If You Forget Me( Pablo Neruda )
  2. Phenomenal Woman( MAYA ANGELOU )
  3. Still I Rise( MAYA ANGELOU )
  4. The Road Not Taken ( Frost )
  5. Dreams( Langston Hughes )
  6. Annabel Lee( Edgar Allan Poe )
  7. Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening( Robert Frost )
  8. If( Rudyard Kipling )
  9. I Do Not Love You Except Because I Love You( Pablo Neruda )
  10. Invictus( William Ernest Henley )
  11. I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings( MAYA ANGELOU )
  12. A Dream within A Dream( Edgar Allan Poe )
  13. Television( Roald Dahl )
  14. Fire and Ice( Robert Frost )
  15. Alone( Edgar Allan Poe )
  16. As I Grew Older( Langston Hughes )
  17. Do not Go Far Off( Pablo Neruda )
  18. Do not stand at my grave and weep( Mary Elizabeth Frye )
  19. Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night( Dylan Thomas )
  20. I wandered lonely as a cloud( William Wordsworth )
  21. Warning( Jenny Joseph )
  22. Hope is The Thing with Feathers.( Emily Dickinson )
  23. The Highwayman( Alfred Noyes )
  24. A Poison Tree( William Blake )
  25. Daffodils( William Wordsworth )
  26. All the World is a Stage.( William Shakespeare )
  27. O Captain! My Captain!!( Walt Whitman )
  28. Let Me Die A Youngman Death.( Roger McGough )
  29. All That is Gold Does Not Glitter!( John Ronald Reuel Tolkien )
  30. Mother to Son( Langston Hughes )
  31. The Lesson( Roger McGough )
  32. A Fairy Song( William Shakespeare )
  33. On The Ning Nang Nong( Spike Milligan )
  34. Ozymandias( Percy Bysshe Shelley )
  35. No Man Is An Island.( John Donne )
  36. I Am Not Yours.( Sara Teasdale )
  37. A Smile To Remember( Charles Bukowski )
  38. Trees( Joyce Kilmer )
  39. Alone With Everybody( Charles Bukowski )
  40. How Do I Love Thee?( Elizabeth Barrett Browning )
  41. Richard Cory( Edwin Arlington Robinson )
  42. A Thing of Beauty( John Keats )
  43. A Psalm of Life( Henry Wadsworth Longfellow )
  44. Why do I love You Sir?( Emily Dickinson )
  45. Remember( Christina Georgina Rossetti )
  46. Bright Star( John Keats )
  47. The Pig( Roald Dahl )
  48. I Loved You.( Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin )
  49. An Almost Made Up Poem( Charles Bukowski )
  50. The Tiger ( William Blake )
  51. Shall I compare thee to a summer day?( William Shakespeare )
  52. Faith is A Fine Invention.( Emily Dickinson )
  53. I Choose The Mountain. ( Howard Simon )
  54. First Day at School( Roger McGough )
  55. A Character( William Wordsworth )
  56. Dulce ET Decorum EST( Wilfred Owen )
  57. One Art( Elizabeth Bishop )
  58. Hot and Cold( Roald Dahl )
  59. And Death Shall Have No Dominion( Dylan Thomas )
  60. A Clear Midnight( Walt Whitman )
  61. Jabberwocky( Lewis Carroll )
  62. We Real Cool( Gwendolyn Brooks )
  63. Death Be Not Proud( John Donne )
  64. A Hint at What Is Beautiful( Yoonoos Peerbocus )
  65. A Red Red Rose( Robert Burns )
  66. We Wear The Mask.( Paul Laurence Dunbar )
  67. A Silly Poem( Spike Milligan )
  68. Love Philosophy( Percy Bysshe Shelley )
  69. Auguries of Innocence( William Blake )
  70. Lovesong( Ted Hughes )
  71. Dover Beach( Matthew Arnold )
  72. The Listeners( Walter De La Mare )
  73. Solitude( Ella Wheeler Wilcox )
  74. I Cry.( Tupac Shakur )
  75. Anthem for Doomed Youth( Wilfred Owen )
  76. Be Glad Your Nose is on Your Face.( Jack Prelutsky )
  77. Forgetfulness( Billy Collins )
  78. The Red Wheel-Barrow( William Carlos Williams )
  79. I Am( John Clare )
  80. When You Are Old( William Butler Yeats )
  81. Abou Ben Adhem( James Henry Leigh Hunt )
  82. A Lover Calls( Khalil Gibran )
  83. First Love( John Clare )
  84. Love after Love( Derek Walcott )
  85. Last Night I Dreamed of Chickens( Jack Prelutsky )
  86. The Life That I Have( Leo Marks )
  87. On His Blindness( John Milton )
  88. I Thought of You.( Sara Teasdale )
  89. She Walks in Beauty.( George Gordon Byron )
  90. A Child Said What is The Grass.( Walt Whitman )
  91. A Word to Husbands( Ogden Nash )
  92. He Wishes For The Cloths of Heaven.( William Butler Yeats )
  93. When I Have Fears( John Keats )
  94. The Rose that Grew from Concrete( Tupac Shakur )
  95. Another Reason Why I Do not Keep A Gun In The House.( Billy Collins )
  96. Friendship( Henry David Thoreau )
  97. All You Who Sleep Tonight( Vikram Seth )
  98. Silver( Walter De La Mare )
  99. A Crazed Girl( William Butler Yeats )
  100. Leisure( William Henry Davies )

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