Business Dictionary : Advice, Advise and Advisory
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Advice : noun :
(a) advice note = written notice to a customer giving details of goods ordered and shipped but not yet delivered
• As per advice = according to what is written on the advice note
(b) opinion as to what action to take
• To take legal advice = to ask a lawyer to say what should be done
• The accountant's advice was to send the documents to the police.
• We sent the documents to the police on the advice of the accountant.
• We took the accountant's advice and sent the documents to the police.
NOTE : no plural
Advise : verb :
(a) to tell someone what has happened
• We are advised that the shipment will arrive next week.
(b) to suggest to someone what should be done
• We are advised to take the shipping company to court.
• The accountant advised us to send the documents to the police.
Advise Against : verb : to suggest that something should not be done
• The bank manager advised against closing the account.
• My stockbroker has advised against buying those shares.
Adviser or Advisor : noun : person who suggests what should be done
• He is consulting the company's legal adviser.
• Financial Adviser = person or company which gives advice on financial problems for a fee
Advisory : adjective : as an adviser
• He is acting in an advisory capacity.
• An Advisory Board = a group of advisers
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