Collective Nouns

Beauties of English Index

List of Collective Nouns

This page provides a list of collective nouns.

Item Proper noun to use
conies A bury of conies
hogs A parcel of hogs
hogs A passel of hogs
information A wealth of information
islands A chain of islands
islands An archipelago of islands
jays A party of jays
jays A band of jays
jellyfish A fluther of jellyfish
jellyfish A smack of jellyfish
jewels A cache of jewels
jugglers A neverthriving of jugglers
kangaroos A mob of kangaroos
kangaroos A troop of kangaroos
keys A ring of keys
kittens (rabbits) A wrack of kittens (rabbits)
knights A rout of knights
knights A banner of knights
ladies A bevy of ladies
lambs A fall of lambs
lapwings A desert of lapwings
lapwings A deceit of lapwings
larks An ascension of larks
larks An exaltation of larks
leopards A leap of leopards
lepers A colony of lepers
lions A pride of lions
lions A sowse of lions
lions A sault of lions
locusts A plague of locusts
lorries A convoy of lorries
magpies A tiding(s) of magpies
mallards A sord of mallards
maps An atlas of maps
martens A richness of martens
mathematicians A number of mathematicians
mathematicians A set of mathematicians
men A band of (merry) men
mice A nest of mice
mice A mischief of mice
moles A labour of moles
moles A company of moles
moles A movement of moles
money A wad of money
monitors A bank of monitors
monkeys A tribe of monkeys
monkeys A mission of monkeys
mosquitoes A scourge of mosquitoes
mountains A range of mountains
mules A barren of mules
mules A Rake of mules
natives A tribe of natives
nightingales A watch of nightingales
nouns A collective of nouns
nuns A superfluity of nuns
objects A collection of objects
onlookers A crowd of onlookers
owls A parliament of owls
owls A stare of owls
oxen A team of oxen
oxen A yoke of oxen
oxen A span of oxen
oysters A bed of oysters
parrots A company of parrots
partridges A covey of partridges
peacocks A pride of peacocks
peacocks A muster of peacocks
peacocks An ostentation of peacocks
pekinese A pomp of pekinese
penguins A creche of penguins
penguins A huddle of penguins
penguins A colony of penguins
performers A troupe of performers
pheasants A covey of pheasants
pheasants A nye of pheasants
pheasants A bouquet of pheasants
philosophers A ponder of philosophers
pigeons A loft of pigeons
piglets A farrow of piglets
piglets A litter of piglets
pigs A drove of pigs
pigs A herd of pigs
pigs A sounder of pigs
pistols A brace of pistols
plovers A congregation of plovers
polecats A chine of polecats
preachers A converting of preachers
prose An anthology of prose
quail A covey of quail
quail A bevy of quail
rabbits A colony of rabbits
rabbits A bury of rabbits
rabbits A nest of rabbits
raccoons A gaze of raccoons
rats A pack of rats
rats A colony of rats
rats A swarm of rats
rats A rabble of rats
ravens An unkindness of ravens
ravens A conspiracy of ravens
rebuttals A quiver of rebuttals
rhinoceroses A crash of rhinoceroses
rooks A building of rooks
rooks A clamour of rooks
ruffs A hill of ruffs
sailors A crew of sailors
salmon A run of salmon
salmon A bind of salmon
sandpipers A fling of sandpipers
Scots A disworship of Scots
sea fowl A cloud of sea fowl
seagulls A flock of seagulls
seals A spring of seals
seals A pod of seals
senators A house of senators
sheep A flock of sheep
sheep A trip of sheep
sheldrakes A doading of sheldrakes
ships A flotilla of ships
ships A fleet of ships
ships An armada of ships
snails A rout of snails
snakes A den of snakes
snakes A bed of snakes
snakes A pit of snakes
snakes A nest of snakes
snakes A slither of snakes
snipe A walk of snipe
snipe A wisp of snipe
soldiers A company of soldiers
soldiers A brigade of soldiers
soldiers A squad of soldiers
soldiers A platoon of soldiers
soldiers A division of soldiers
sparrows A ubiquity of sparrows
sparrows A quarrel of sparrows
sparrows A host of sparrows
spiders A clutter of spiders
spiders A cluster of spiders
squirrels A dray of squirrels
stairs A flight of stairs
starlings A murmuration of starlings
stars A galaxy of stars
sticks A fagot of sticks
storks A muster of storks
students A class of students
submarines A pack of submarines
swallows A flight of swallows
swans A bevy of swans
swans A bank of swans
swans (flying) A wedge of swans (flying)
swine A sounder of swine
swine A drift of swine
tasks An agenda of tasks
teal A spring of teal
teal A diving of teal
tennis games A set of tennis games
tests A battery of tests
thieves A den of thieves
things A bunch of things
thrushes A mutation of thrushes
tigers A streak of tigers
tigers An ambush of tigers
toads A knot of toads
tourists A flock of tourists
trash A heap of trash
trees A grove of trees
trees A thicket of trees
trees A stand of trees
troops A parel of troops
trout A hover of trout
trucks A convoy of trucks
turkeys A rafter of turkeys
turkeys A raffle of turkeys
turtledoves A pitying of turtledoves
turtles A turn of turtles
turtles A dule of turtles
turtles A bale of turtles
unicorns A blessing of unicorns
vicaries (vicars) A prudence of vicaries (vicars)
vipers A nest of vipers
wagers A book of wagers
walruses A herd of walruses
walruses An ugly of walruses
waterfowl A plump of waterfowl
weasels A sneak of weasels
whales A school of whales
whales A herd of whales
whales A pod of whales
whales A gam of whales
widgeon A coil of widgeon
wikipedians A page of wikipedians
winnings A purse of winnings
witches A coven of witches
wolves A pack of wolves
wolves A rout of wolves
woodpeckers A descent of woodpeckers
worshipers A congregation of worshipers
yeomen A fellowship of yeomen
young oysters A set of young oysters
zebra A zeal of zebra
zebra A herd of zebra

Listed by terms

Term Refers to Example
agenda tasks An agenda of tasks
ambush tigers An ambush of tigers
anthology prose An anthology of prose
archipelago islands An archipelago of islands
armada ships An armada of ships
ascension larks An ascension of larks
atlas maps An atlas of maps
bale turtles A bale of turtles
band jays A band of jays
band men A band of (merry) men
bank monitors A bank of monitors
bank swans A bank of swans
banner knights A banner of knights
barren mules A barren of mules
battery tests A battery of tests
bed oysters A bed of oysters
bed snakes A bed of snakes
bevy ladies A bevy of ladies
bevy quail A bevy of quail
bevy swans A bevy of swans
bind salmon A bind of salmon
blessing unicorns A blessing of unicorns
book wagers A book of wagers
bouquet pheasants A bouquet of pheasants
brace pistols A brace of pistols
brigade soldiers A brigade of soldiers
building rooks A building of rooks
bunch things A bunch of things
bury conies A bury of conies
bury rabbits A bury of rabbits
cache jewels A cache of jewels
chain islands A chain of islands
chine polecats A chine of polecats
clamour rooks A clamour of rooks
class students A class of students
cloud sea fowl A cloud of sea fowl
cluster spiders A cluster of spiders
clutter spiders A clutter of spiders
coil widgeon A coil of widgeon
collection objects A collection of objects
collective nouns A collective of nouns
colony lepers A colony of lepers
colony penguins A colony of penguins
colony rabbits A colony of rabbits
colony rats A colony of rats
company moles A company of moles
company parrots A company of parrots
company soldiers A company of soldiers
congregation plovers A congregation of plovers
congregation worshipers A congregation of worshipers
conspiracy ravens A conspiracy of ravens
converting preachers A converting of preachers
convoy lorries A convoy of lorries
convoy trucks A convoy of trucks
coven witches A coven of witches
covey partridges A covey of partridges
covey pheasants A covey of pheasants
covey quail A covey of quail
crash rhinoceroses A crash of rhinoceroses
creche penguins A creche of penguins
crew sailors A crew of sailors
crowd onlookers A crowd of onlookers
deceit lapwings A deceit of lapwings
den snakes A den of snakes
den thieves A den of thieves
descent woodpeckers A descent of woodpeckers
desert lapwings A desert of lapwings
disworship Scots A disworship of Scots
diving teal A diving of teal
division soldiers A division of soldiers
doading sheldrakes A doading of sheldrakes
dray squirrels A dray of squirrels
drift swine A drift of swine
drove pigs A drove of pigs
dule turtles A dule of turtles
exaltation larks An exaltation of larks
fagot sticks A fagot of sticks
fall lambs A fall of lambs
farrow piglets A farrow of piglets
fellowship yeomen A fellowship of yeomen
fleet ships A fleet of ships
flight stairs A flight of stairs
flight swallows A flight of swallows
fling sandpipers A fling of sandpipers
flock seagulls A flock of seagulls
flock sheep A flock of sheep
flock tourists A flock of tourists
flotilla ships A flotilla of ships
fluther jellyfish A fluther of jellyfish
galaxy stars A galaxy of stars
gam whales A gam of whales
gaze raccoons A gaze of raccoons
grove trees A grove of trees
heap trash A heap of trash
herd pigs A herd of pigs
herd walruses A herd of walruses
herd whales A herd of whales
herd zebra A herd of zebra
hill ruffs A hill of ruffs
host sparrows A host of sparrows
house senators A house of senators
hover trout A hover of trout
huddle penguins A huddle of penguins
knot toads A knot of toads
labour moles A labour of moles
leap leopards A leap of leopards
litter piglets A litter of piglets
loft pigeons A loft of pigeons
mischief mice A mischief of mice
mission monkeys A mission of monkeys
mob kangaroos A mob of kangaroos
movement moles A movement of moles
murmuration starlings A murmuration of starlings
muster peacocks A muster of peacocks
muster storks A muster of storks
mutation thrushes A mutation of thrushes
nest mice A nest of mice
nest rabbits A nest of rabbits
nest snakes A nest of snakes
nest vipers A nest of vipers
neverthriving jugglers A neverthriving of jugglers
number mathematicians A number of mathematicians
nye pheasants A nye of pheasants
ostentation peacocks An ostentation of peacocks
pack rats A pack of rats
pack submarines A pack of submarines
pack wolves A pack of wolves
page wikipedians A page of wikipedians
parcel hogs A parcel of hogs
parel troops A parel of troops
parliament owls A parliament of owls
party jays A party of jays
passel hogs A passel of hogs
pit snakes A pit of snakes
pitying turtledoves A pitying of turtledoves
plague locusts A plague of locusts
platoon soldiers A platoon of soldiers
plump waterfowl A plump of waterfowl
pod seals A pod of seals