English Words List with Meaning

English Vocabulary Index

English Words List with Meaning for 7th April :

  1. Entry (n) : the act of coming in, entrance, a passage, a record made in books

  2. Enumerator (n) : one who enumerates

  3. Enunciate (v) : proclaim, to utter, pronounce clearly

  4. Envelop (v) : cover, wrap up, hide

  5. Envenom (n) : covering, enclosure

  6. Envenom (n) : embitter, enrage, poison

  7. Enviable (adj.) : such as to cause jealously, worth having

  8. Envious (adj.) : jealous

  9. Environment (n) : surroundings, circumstances

  10. Envisage (v) : imagine, to judge, to face

  11. Envoy (n) : an ambassador, a messenger

  12. Envy (v) : feel jealous, of

  13. Epaulet (n) : a shoulder strap

  14. Epaulette (n) : a shoulder strap

  15. Ephemeral (adj.) : living for one day only

  16. Epic (n) : a poem on a great subject

  17. Epicure (n) : one fond of dainty meal

  18. Epidemic (n) : an infectious disease

  19. Epidermis(n) : the covering of the skin

  20. Epigram (n) : maxim

  21. Epilepsy (n) : a nervous disease, fits

  22. Epilogue (n) : the concluding part of a play

  23. Epiphany (n) : a Church feast

  24. Episcopacy (n) : Government by bishops

  25. Episode(n) : interesting occurrence, an odd unconnected event

  26. Epistle (n) : letter

  27. Epitaph (n) : inscription on a tomb stone

  28. Epithet(n) : nomenclature, an adjective

  29. Epitome (n) : an abstract, a summary

  30. Epitomize (v) : summarize

  31. Epoch (n) : a period of time remarkable for important events, on era

  32. Epode (n) : ballad

  33. Equable (adj.) : steady, regular, not changing much

  34. Equal (adj.) : same in size

  35. Equality (n) : state of being equal, uniformity

  36. Equalize (v) : make equal

  37. Equanimity (n) : calmness of mind or temper

  38. Equator (n) : an imaginary circle round the earth in between its poles

  39. Equerry (n) : a body guard

  40. Equestrian (adj.) : pertaining to horse or horse-riding

  41. Equidistant (adj.) : separated by equal distance

  42. Equilateral (adj.) : having all sides equal

  43. Equilibrium (n) : a balanced state

English Words List with Meaning for 7th April :

English Vocabulary Index

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