Every Horse Thinks Its Own Pack is The Heaviest.

Every Horse Thinks Its Own Pack is The Heaviest. :

Every horse thinks that it has the heaviest load on its back although other horses might be carrying heavier loads. It is concerned only with its own load. It does not think about the load other horses carry. That is why it feels that it has got the heaviest load. Similarly, people think that their work or sorrows are greater than those of others. They complain unnecessarily about their jobs and brood over sorrows. Such people do not think or care about others. Other people also bear the burden of heavy works and sorrows. Instead of complaining or brooding over their work, their own sorrows will lessen automatically and their work will seem lighter. On the contrary brooding over their work will become all the more unhappy. If we are afflicted by some painful diseases, we should remember that there are other people in the world who suffer from more dreadful diseases. Such thoughts will magically reduce our pain.

Every Horse Thinks Its Own Pack is The Heaviest.