GRE English Vocabulary for 24th March

English Vocabulary Index

GRE English Vocabulary for 24th March :

  1. Distinction (n) : eminence, difference, honour

  2. Distinguish (v) : differentiate

  3. Distort (v) : to twist out of shape, misinterpret

  4. Distract (v) : to draw aside, confuse

  5. Distraught (adj.) : violently agitated worried

  6. Distress (n) : sorrow, an extreme pain

  7. Distribute (v) : divide among a number

  8. District (n) : a division of a state

  9. Distrust (n) : suspicion, want of trust or confidence

  10. Distrust (v) : suspect, do not trust

  11. Disturb (v) : confuse, interrupt, disquiet, disorder

  12. Disturbance (n) : interruption, agitation, perplexity

  13. Disunite (v) : separate

  14. Disunite (n) : disunion

  15. Disuse (n) : state of being not in use

  16. Ditch (n) : a sink, trench, channel

  17. Ditto (n) : the same as already told or written

  18. Ditty (n) : a little poem, a lay, a strain, a ballad

  19. Diurnal (adj.) : daily, pertaining to the day time

  20. Dive (v) : plunge, dip

  21. Diver (n) : one who dives in water, a diving bird

  22. Diverge (v) : extend, recede, open out

  23. Diverse (adj.) : unlike, various, changeful

  24. Diversity (n) : difference, variety, being diverse

  25. Divert (v) : to amuse, to turn aside

  26. Divest (v) : unclothe, take away

  27. Divide (v) : separate into parts, disunite

  28. Dividend (n) : the number to be divided, share or profit

  29. Divine (adj.) : sacred or holy, excellent, pertaining to God

  30. Divinity (n) : God, divine nature

  31. Divisible (adj.) : that can be divided

  32. Division (n) : dividing portion, partition

  33. Divisor (n) : a number that divides another without remainder

  34. Divorce (n) : legal separation from the marriage bond

  35. Divot (n) : piece of land covered with grass

  36. Divulge (n) : to let out, reveal

  37. Dizzy (adj.) : giddy, confused

  38. Do (v) : perform, execute, complete

  39. Docile (adj.) : teachable, manageable, obedient

  40. Docket (n) : a label stuck on goods, showing its contents

  41. Doctor (n) : a learned man, a medical, person

  42. Doctrine (n) : a principle, knowledge, teachings

  43. Document (n) : a written statement

GRE English Vocabulary for 24th March :

English Vocabulary Index

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