I Must Not Tease My Mother.

I Must Not Tease My Mother. :

I must not tease my mother,

For she is very kind;

And everything she says to me

I must directly mind;

For when I was a baby,

And could not speak or walk.

She let me in her bosom sleep,

And taught me how to talk.

I must not tease my mother;

And when she likes to read,

Or has the headache, I will step

Most silently indeed:

I will not choose a noisy play,

Nor trifling troubles tell,

But sit down quite by her side,

And try to make her well.

I must not tease my mother;

I've heard dear father say

When I was in my cradle sick

She nursed me night and day;

she lays me in my little bed,

She gives me clothes and food,

And I have nothing else to pay

But trying to be good.

I must not tease my mother;

She loves me all the day,

And she has patience with my faults,

And teaches me to pray,

How much I'll strive to please her

She every hour shall see;

For should she go away or die

What would become of me.

I Must Not Tease My Mother.