Laying The Foundation Vocabulary
for 8th January

English Vocabulary Index

Laying The Foundation Vocabulary for 8th January :

  1. adventurous (adj) : enterprising

  2. adverb (n) : word that modifies a verb

  3. adversary (n) : an enemy

  4. adverse (adj) : inimical, injurious

  5. adversity (n) : misfortune

  6. advert (n) : refer

  7. advert (v) : to refer to take notice, draw attention to

  8. advertise (v) : inform, publish

  9. advice (n) : something said as a help, counsel

  10. advise(v) : give advice, announce

  11. advisory (adj) : offering advice, by way of a suggestion

  12. advocate (n) : a defender, one who pleads for another

  13. adze (n) : tool for cutting away surface of wood

  14. aegis (n) : shield, protection

  15. aerate (v) : combine with air

  16. aerobatics (n) : tricks or stunts performed by an aircraft in the air

  17. aerodrome (n) : aviation, ground, aeronautics

  18. aerodrome (n) : science of aviation

  19. aeronautics (n) : science of aviation

  20. aeroplane (n) : a flying machine heavier than air

  21. aesthetics (n) : appreciation of beauty, the science of fine arts

  22. afar (adv) : far off, at a distance

  23. affable (adj) : pleasant, easy to speak to

  24. affair (n) : business, matter

  25. affect (v) : make a show of, move the feelings of

  26. affection (n) : kindness, love

  27. affectionate (adj) : full of affection, loving

  28. afferent (adj) : conducting inwards or towards

  29. affidavit (n) : a written statement made on oath

  30. affiliate (v) : attach, adopt

  31. affinity (n) : relationship

  32. affirm (v) : confirm

  33. affix (v) : paste, append

  34. afflict (v) : give continued pain, annoy

  35. affluence (n) : abundance, wealth

  36. afford (v) : give produce

  37. afforest (v) : to convert land into forest by planting tress

  38. affray (n) : fight, noisy quarrel

  39. affright (v) : frighten

  40. affront (n) : an insult

  41. afield (adj) : at a distance, away

  42. aflame (adv & adj) : in a glow

English Vocabulary Index

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