Match The Words with Meanings

Match The Words with Meanings :

All you have to do is to match the words (SET – 1) with their meanings (SET – 2).

SET - 1

  1. BOOST - ( verb )

  2. RUMBLE - ( verb )

  3. IMPART - ( verb )

  4. BICKERING - ( noun )

  5. GENOCIDE - ( noun )

  6. COVERT - ( adjective )

  7. GENIAL - ( adjective )

  8. BLUNDER - ( noun )

  9. PURSUE - ( verb )

  10. GARD - ( noun )

SET - 2

  1. To make a continuous, deep and low sound

  2. To try to achieve something over a period of time

  3. Mass murder of a whole group or race of people

  4. A big mistake usually caused by carelessness

  5. Clothes that are in a particular style or a uniform

  6. To pass on information or knowledge to someone

  7. Quarrel about unimportant or petty things

  8. Friendly and cheeful

  9. To improve or increase something

  10. Hidden or secret


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