Number Song : Numbers from 21 to 50

Nursery Rhymes Index

Number Song : Numbers from 21 to 50

Betty buys a box of pens.

Betty buys a box of pens.

Pretty pens, pretty pens

Ten in number, ten in number!

Beena buys a box of pens.

Betty gives her one more box.

Now, Beena has twenty pens.

Twenty in number, twenty in number!

Tippu buys a box of pens.

Beena gives him twenty pens.

Now, Tippu has thirty pens.

Thirty in number, thirty in number!

Vani buys a box of pens.

Tippu gives her thirty pens.

Now, Vani has forty pens.

Forty in number, forty in number!

Fathima buys a box of pens.

Vani gives her forty pens.

Now, Vani has fifty pens.

Fifty in number, fifty in number!

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