Small Words for Big Words

Small Words for Big Words Index

This section has been put into this site simply to provide mental recreation on
Small Words and to help those who are interested in word games. It is well to emphasize, however, that it is generally better to use the Small Words rather than the big words both in speaking and in writing.

Big Words…Small Words

1. Absolution…forgiveness

2. Abstemious…moderate

3. Acatalectic…complete

4. Acauline…stem less

5. Accessory…additional

6. Acephalous…headless

7. Acerbity…bitterness

8. Acerbity…sourness

9. Adipose…fatty

10. Adjacent…near

11. Adulation…flattery

12. Adversary…enemy

13. Affirmation…oath

14. Afflatus…inspiration

15. Affluence…wealthy

16. Alacrity…briskness

17. Alacrity…readiness

18. Aliment…food

19. Alimony…maintenance

20. Amanuensis…secretary

21. Ambiguous…doubtful

22. Ameliorate…improve

23. Amiable…lovable

24. Amicable…friendly

25. Amity…friendship

26. Amorphous…shapeless

27. Animosity…hatred

28. Animus…intention

29. Anonymous…nameless

30. Anourous…tailless

31. Aperients…purgative

32. Aphonia…dumbness

33. Aptitude…Fitness

34. Arenaceous…sandy

35. Asperity…harshness

36. Aspersion...slander

37. Asphyxia…suffocating

38. Assiduity…diligence

39. Assuetude…habit

40. Audacious…bold

41. Authentic…genuine

42. Avidity…eagerness

43. Avocation…occupation

It is generally better to use the
Small Words rather than the big words both in speaking and in writing.

Small Words for Big Words Index