Small Words for Big Words

Small Words for Big Words Index

This section has been put into this site simply to provide mental recreation on
Small Words and to help those who are interested in word games. It is well to emphasize, however, that it is generally better to use the Small Words rather than the big words both in speaking and in writing.

Big Words…Small Words

  1. Calcareous…chalky

  2. Calisthenics…gymnastics

  3. Calligraphy… penmanship

  4. Cantankerous…quarrelsome

  5. Cecity…blindness

  6. Celerity…swiftness

  7. Chanticleer…cock

  8. Charlatan…quack

  9. Chicanery…trickery

  10. Chirography… penmanship

  11. Chivalrous…gallant

  12. Chronometer…clock

  13. Cinerary… ashes

  14. Clandestine…secret

  15. Clemency…leniency

  16. Clocher…belfry

  17. Co-adjutor…huge

  18. Coagulation…clotting

  19. Coalesce…unite

  20. Coerce…compel

  21. Cogitate…think

  22. Collateral…parallel

  23. Colossal…huge

  24. Commiseration…pity

  25. Commodious… spacious

  26. Commodious…roomy

  27. Communication…denunciation

  28. Commutation…exchange

  29. Compendious…brief

  30. Compunction…remorse

  31. Concierge…porter

  32. Condign…worthy

  33. Confabulate…gossip

  34. Conjecture…guesses

  35. Consentaneous…unanimous

  36. Consign…send

  37. Conspectus…synopsis

  38. Consuetude…custom

  39. Contaminate…pollute

  40. Contiguity…nearness

  41. Contiguous…adjoining

  42. Contumacious…stubborn

  43. Contumelious…insolent

  44. Conundrum…riddles

  45. Convivial…jovial

  46. Copious…plentiful

  47. Corneous…horny

  48. Credence…belief

  49. Culpable…guilty

  50. Cupidity…covetousness

  51. Cupidity…greed

  52. Cursory…hasty

It is generally better to use the
Small Words rather than the big words both in speaking and in writing.

Small Words for Big Words Index


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