A Word A Day : Truculent

Saturday, 26th January 2008 : Today's Word is ...


( Adjective )

Pronunciation : trúk-ye-lent

1. aggressively or sullenly refusing to accept something or do what is asked

2. disposed to or exhibiting violence or destructiveness

3. expressing bitter opposition

4. disposed to fight


Mid-16th century - Latin truculentus - trux - fierce


Bellicose orients prone to fighting toward an individual while belligerent refers to an organized body, a national or political entity. A person is bellicose. A nation is belligerent.


hostile, belligerent, defiant, quarrelsome, argumentative, aggressive, fractious, confrontational, obstreperous, sullen, surly, cussed, insolent


easygoing, civilized, cultured, humane, kind, nice, refined, sophisticated, agreeable, compromising, pacifistic, passive, peaceful

Contextual Examples:

• The leader of the party gave a truculent speech against the opposition.

• She really was a most charming girl and might have passed for a captive fairy, whom that truculent Ogre, Old Barley, had pressed into his service.

• His truculent criticism of her work resulted in enmity between them.

Related Words:

truculence : Noun

truculently : Adverb

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