Vocabulary Builder

English Vocabulary Index

Vocabulary Builder on 3rd May :

  1. Gladden (v) : make happy, please, cheer

  2. Glade (n) : an open space between forest trees

  3. Glamour (n) : a peculiar fascination, charm, attractiveness, magic

  4. Glance (n) : a sudden look

  5. Glance (v) : to take a quick look at, dart and fly

  6. Gland (n) : a small organ in the body secreting fluids

  7. Glare (n) : strong fierce light

  8. Glare (v) : to shine with dazzling light

  9. Glaring (adj.) : dazzling, shining, visible

  10. Glass (n) : an easily broken transparent substance, mirror

  11. Glaze (v) : fit with glass, give a glassy appearance to

  12. Glaze (n) : glassy surface

  13. Glazier (n) : one who fixes glass

  14. Gleam (n) : a beam of light, stream of light

  15. Gleam (v) : emit light, shine

  16. Glean (v) : gather remnants, collect carefully

  17. Glebe (n) : soil, church land, turf

  18. Glee (n) : a group song, joy, mirth

  19. Glen (n) : a narrow valley, a dale

  20. Glide (v) : pass by smooth continuous movement, fly without an engine

  21. Glimmer (v) : give out a faint unsteady light

  22. Glimmer (n) : a faint light

  23. Glimpse (n) : a short hurried view, a glance

  24. Glimpse (v) : see partly

  25. Glisten (v) : to glitter, sparkle

  26. Glitter (v) : to sparkle

  27. Glitter (n) : gleam

  28. Gloat (v) : view with a selfish joy

  29. Globe (n) : a sphere, a round body with a map of the world drawn on it

  30. Globule (n) : a minute round particle, spherule, a drop

  31. Gloom (n) : darkness, sadness

  32. Glorify (v) : praise in honour, give glory to, beautify, worship

  33. Glorious (adj.) : noble, illustrious, beautiful, magnificent, worshipping

  34. Glory (n) : honour, splendour, bright light, boast

  35. Glory (v) : feel proud to boast about

  36. Gloss (n) : falsehood, brightness, superficial lustre, show, interpretation

  37. Glossary (n) : a short dictionary of obsolete or technical terms with their special meaning

  38. Glossy (adj.) : smooth, shining

  39. Glove (n) : covering for the hand

  40. Glow (n) : emitting light and heat without flame, emotion

  41. Glow (v) : burn, shine

  42. Glow-worm (n) : a kind of beetle which shines brightly at night

  43. Glue (n) : an adhesive substance

  44. Glue (adj.) : gluey

  45. Glut (v) : overload with food, to supply too much

  46. Glut (n) : too much of something

Vocabulary Builder on 3rd May :

English Vocabulary Index

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