Antonyms Exercises

Antonyms Exercises :


DIRECTIONS : Pick out the opposite meaning or antonym of the words given below.

161. EXHIBIT : (ANSWER : C - )

(a) conceal (b) prevent (c) withdraw (d) concede

162. HAUGHTY : (ANSWER : A - pitiable)

(a) pitiable (b) scared (c) humble (d) cowardly

163. VIRTUE : (ANSWER : D - crime)

(a) vice (b) fraud (c) wickedness (d) crime

164. ERUDITE : (ANSWER : A - professional)

(a) professional (b) immature (c) unimaginative (d) ignorant

165. HAPLESS : (ANSWER : B - kind)

(a) lucky (b) kind (c) helpful (d) futile

166. ACQUITTED : (ANSWER : C - burdened)

(a) entrusted (b) convicted (c) burdened (d) freed

167. LACONIC : (ANSWER : A - prolix)

(a) prolix (b) profligate (c) prolifie (d) bucolic

168. ABSOLUTE : (ANSWER : B - limited)

(a) scarce (b) limited (c) prolific (d) bucolic

169. MAGNIFY : (ANSWER : B - diminish)

(a) induce (b) diminish (c) destroy (d) shrink

170. BOOST : (ANSWER : A - hinder)

(a) hinder (b) obstruct (c) discourage (d) rebuke

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