clud & clus

These ROOT-WORDS are CLUD & CLUS meaning SHUT. It comes from the Latin claudo & clauses. The double spelling in English follows, as you see, the double spelling in Lation. CLUD & CLUS mean nothing by themselves. With the Prefixes and Suffixes added to them, however, they are meaningful and useful.

1. Recluse : re CLUSE (rek’ luse) n.

One who shuts himself away from others; as, a hermit

2. Conclusion : con CLUS ion (kon klue; zhun) n.

The end; as, the conclusion of the course

3. Conclusive : con CLUS ive (kon klue’ siv) adj.

Final; as, a conclusive statement

4. Exclude : ex CLUD e (Eks klude’) v.

To shut out; as, exclude from a club

5. Exclusion : ex CLUS ion (eks klue’ zhun) n.

The act of shutting out; as, he resented his exclusion

6. Exclusive : ex CLUS ion (eks klue’ zhun) n.

Tending to keep others out; as, exclusive power

7. Include : in CLUD e (in klude’) v.

To take in; to count; as, include in the group

8. Inclusion : in CLUS ion (in klue’ zhun) n.

The act of taking in; as inclusion of algebra in the program

9. Inclusive : in CLUS ive (in klue’ siv) adj.

Counting everything in

10. Preclude : pre CLUD e (pre klude’) v.

To close beforehand; to hinder
11. Preclusion : pre CLUS ion (pre klue’ zhun) n.

State of hindering; preventing

12. Conclude : con CLUD e (kon klude’) v.

To close; as, to conclude a trial

13. Reclusive : re CLUS ive (re klue’ sive) adj.

Favoring retirement from society

14. Seclude : se CLUD e (se klude’) v.

To shut away; to confine; as, seclude oneself in the woods

15. Seclusion : se CLUS ion (se klue’ zhun) n.

The act of shutting oneself up; as, Emily Dick inson lived inseclusion

16. Occlude : oc CLUD e (o klude’) v.

To shut the way; to bar a passage, as, the occlude light

17. Occlusion : oc CLUS ion (o klue’ zhun) n.

The shutting up; as, the occlusion of an opening

18. Occlusal : oc CLUS al (o klue’ zal) adj.

Relating to the surface of the tooth used in biting or grinding

19. Occludent : oc CLUD ent (o klude’ ent) adj.

Serving to shut away

20. Occlusor : oc CLUS or (o klue’ zor) n.

An organ which closes

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