1. Omniana : OMNI ana (om ni ay’ na) n.
Bits of information from everywhere
2. Omnibus : OMNI bus (om’ ni bus) n.
A conveyance for all; providing transportation for many
3. Omnicompetent : OMNI competent (om ni kom’ pe tent) adj.
Legally competent in all matters
4. Omnicorporeal : OMNI corporeal (om ni kor poe’ ree al) adj.
Including all bodies
5. Omnifarious : OMNi farious (om ni far’ ee us) adj.
Of all sorts; of many varieties
6. Omnify : OMNI fy (om’ ne fie) v.
Enlarge; make universal
7. Omnigenous : OMNI graph (om nij’ e nus) adj.
Of all types of kinds
8. Omnigraph : OMNI graph (om’ ni graf) n.
A device for teaching radio telegraphs operators
9. Omniumgatherum : OMNI un-gatherum (om’ ni um gath’ er um) n.
A collection of all things, people
10. Omnimeter : OMNU meter (om nim’ e ter) n.
Instrument for measuring all angles
Of every kind
12. Omniparent : OMNI parent (om nip’ a rent) adj.
Being the origin of all
13. Omnipotent : OMNI potent (om nip’ of ent)
All powerful; having
14. Omniscient : OMNI scient (om nish’ ent) adj.
All knowing; having complete understanding
15. Omnist : OMNI st (om’ nist) n.
A believer in all religious
16. Omnipresent : OMNI present (om ni prez’ ent) adj.
Present everywhere; ubiquitous
17. Omnivorous : OMNI vorous (om niv’ or us) adj.
Eating everything; taking in everything
18. Omnium : OMNI um (om’ ni um) n.
Total; as, my omnium