To My Nanny :
Here you see how intensely a boy remembers an old lady who took care of him in his childhood.
Dear doting sweetheart of my childhood,
Companion of my austere fate!
In the lone house deep in the wild wood
How patiently for me you wait.
Alone beside your window sitting
You wait for me and blame the clock,
While, in your wrinkled hands, your knitting
Fitfully falters to a stop.
Beyond the crumbling gates the pine trees
Shadow the road you watch so well.
Nameless forebodings, dark anxieties,
Oppress your heart. You cannot tell
What visions haunt you: Now you seem to
Alexander Pushkin
Alexander Pushkin (1799-1837) was born in Moscow - Russia. He is Russia’s Bard and one of the most important contributors to modern Russian literature. A proponent of social reform, Pushkin belonged to an underground revolutionary movement. This sometimes interfered with his literary career and many of his poems, plays and historical works were censored.
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