Books and Authors

English Grammar Index

Books and Authors :

    Books' Name - Authors'Name :

  1. Macbeth - William Shakespeare

  2. Madame Secretary - Madeleine Albright

  3. Magic Fishbone, the - Charles Dickens

  4. Mahabharata - Vyasa

  5. Malati Madhav - Bhavabhuti

  6. Magnificent Maharaja, the - K. Natwar Singh

  7. Mahatma Gandhi - Romain Rolland

  8. Main Street - Sinclair Lewis

  9. Main Waqt Ke Hoon Samane - Girija Kumar Mathur

  10. Major - George Bernard Shaw

  11. Making of a Midsummer Night’s Dream, the - David Selbourne

  12. Making of Indian Atom Bomb, The - Itty Abraham

  13. Malavikagnimitra - Kalidas

  14. Malgudi Days - R.K. Narayan

  15. Man, the Unknown - Lewis Carroll

  16. Man and superman - G.B. Shaw

  17. Man for Moscow - G. Wynne

  18. Man of Property - John Galsworthy

  19. Man, Beast and Virtue - Luigi Pirandello

  20. Maneaters of Kumaon - Jim Corbett

  21. Managing of the future - Peter F. Drucker

  22. Mama - Terry McMillan

  23. Man for All Seasons, A - Robert Bolt

  24. Man of Destiny - George Bernard Shaw

  25. Man Who changed China - Pearl S. Buck

  26. Mandarin, the - Simon de Beauvoir

  27. Mankind and Mother Earth - Arnold Toynbee

  28. Mansfield Park - Jane Austen

  29. Manviya Sanskriti Ke Rachnatmak Aayam - Prof. Raghuwansh

  30. Many worlds - K.P.S. Menon

  31. Marriage and Morals - Bertrand Russell

  32. Masters, The - C.P. Snow

  33. Mati Matal - Gopinath Mohanty

  34. Maurice - E.M.Forster

  35. Mayor of Gasterbridge, The - Thomas Hardy

  36. Maghdoot - Kalidas

  37. Mein Kampf - Adolf Hitler

  38. Memories of the Second World War - Churchill

  39. Merchant of Venice - Shakespeare

  40. Memories of a Bystander : Life in Diplomacy - Iqbal akbund

  41. Memories of Hope - Charies de Gaulle

  42. Men Who Kept the Secrets - Thomas Powers

  43. Men Who Killed Gandhi, The - Manohar Malgonkar

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