Congratulation Letter

Mrs. Nazis was the Chairman of organizing committee which organized the College Annual Concert. She and her team have successfully organized the function.Her friend, Mrs.Amutha, who attended the concert, is writing a letter congratulating Mrs. Nazis for the success of the function.

23/89 TIO: Church Road,
Rajah Housing Area,

11th Feb. 2005.

Dear Nazis,

If I had wings I would fly 200 odd miles to you and embrace you heartily for your efficient and skillful management of College Annual Concert. It could be no mean task to arrange for the stage setting with convertibles props and backdrops and the illumination of the 20000 strong auditorium. The formation of sub-committees with both boys and girls for reception, hospitality and other wonderful tasks of skits, dances and songs was of an innovative idea. All the events in the concert made it a veritable fiesta.

All the guests who attended the function appreciated the arrangements. It is only proper that you opted to do a diploma in management. You will go a long way friend.

Wish you success in all you endeavors.

Yours sincerely,

Signature of Amutha


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