Nursery Rhymes

Nursery Rhymes :

Most children love being told Nursery Rhymes. The most popular rhymes are listed here. Even elders love to hear these rhymes. They are sweet to our ears forever. These rhymes speak volumes about the interest shown by the education department to enthuse the children to speak out.

The list is clearly not exhaustive but it is believed that a good cross section of famous poems for children have been included. We have selected the most famous Nursery Rhymes for children. We have done our best to collect all the Nursery Rhymes from all sources and add them here for your reference. The addition of more and more rhymes is going on everyday.

These Nursery Rhymes for children have been passed down over the years and due to the short nature of the verse can easily be remembered by most children from a very early age. Analysis of these Nursery Rhymes will reflect the historical background in which these Nursery Rhymes were written.

  1. A B C... : 1
  2. A B C... : 2
  3. A, B, C, Sona
  4. A B C Tumble
  5. A Big Shoe
  6. A Boy Thanksgiving Day
  7. A Cat Came Fiddling out of A Barn
  8. A Cock and Bull Story
  9. A diller, a dollar
  10. A Dimple on Your Cheek
  11. A Dis A Dis A Green Grass
  12. A Duck and A Drake
  13. A Farmer Went Trotting Upon His Grey Mare
  14. A Flying Visit
  15. A Frog He Would A-Wooing Go
  16. A Hippopotamus Not
  17. A Hopeless Case
  18. A Hunting We Will Go
  19. A Jumper of Ditches
  20. A King Met a King
  21. A kiss when I wake in the morning.
  22. A Lark
  23. A Little Bird
  24. A Little Man
  25. A Little Old Man
  26. A Man and A Maid
  27. A Melancholy Song
  28. A Memory
  29. A Needle and Thread
  30. A Nick and A Nock
  31. A Pinch of Salt
  32. A Race
  33. A Rash Stipulation
  34. A Rising Doctor
  35. A Rose is...
  36. A Sailor Went to Sea Sea Sea
  37. A Seasonable Song
  38. A Sharp Lover
  39. A Short Sweet Tale
  40. A Slippery Gap
  41. A Strange Thing
  42. A Sure Test
  43. A Swarm of Bees in May
  44. A Tisket A Tasket
  45. A Was An Apple Pie
  46. A Was An Archer
  47. A Wasted Journey
  48. A Week of Birthdays
  49. A Well
  50. A Wild Flower Alphabet
  51. A Wise Old Owl
  52. A Wish
  53. ABC from Alphabet
  54. Aboot The Merry-Matanzie
  55. About The Bush
  56. Action Song
  57. Adam and Eve and Pinchme
  58. Aeroplane
  59. Aeroplane Aeroplane!
  60. After a Bath... - 1
  61. After A Bath... - 2
  62. Ah Sent Her Fur Cheese
  63. Alas Alas
  64. All But Blind
  65. All the little fishes...
  66. All The Verses Are Read Dears
  67. Ally Bally
  68. Ally Bally Bee
  69. Alphabet Song
  70. An Alphabet Omes
  71. An Apple A Day
  72. An Apple Pie
  73. An April Day - 1
  74. An April Day - 2
  75. An Elephant
  76. An elephant walks like this and that.
  77. Ane Twa Three
  78. Animal Alphabet
  79. Ann Ann Come Quick
  80. Anna Maria
  81. Ants Go Marching
  82. Anyone
  83. Apple Harvest
  84. Are You Sleeping? - 1
  85. Are You Sleeping? - 2
  86. Army and Navy
  87. Around The Garden
  88. Around The Green Gravel
  89. As eh gaed up a field o neeps
  90. As I Sat Under A Sycamore Tree
  91. As I was walking down the lake...
  92. As I Walked By Myself
  93. As I Was Going Along
  94. As I Was Going To St Ives
  95. As I Was Going Up A Hill
  96. As I Was Sitting
  97. As I Went To Bonner
  98. Away Birds Away

Nursery Rhymes