Personal Pronoun

Grammar Index : 2

Personal Pronoun is the pronoun used to stand for the noun.

There are only seven Personal Pronouns.

They are He, She, It, They, You, We and I.

Here we use the word
you to indicate both the singular and plural forms.

Here we use the pronoun
they to indicate the plural form of both neuter gender and masculine or feminine gender.


I, He, She, It and You.


We, They and You.

Examples :

• Mr. Gandhi, why not you seek his help?

Here the word
you is used to indicate only Mr. Gandhi (singular).

See another sentence.

• Students, you have to be assembled at the Lawtey hall by 11pm.

Here the word
you has been used to indicate the students (plural).

Examples :

• Mr. Clinton is the Chairman of this company. He has gone to Paris to attend a meeting.

Mr. Clinton is noun and he is pronoun.

• Mrs. Clinton is the author of the book Why not you?. She has been nominated to the Nobel Prize for her book.

Here Mrs. Clinton is noun whereas the word she is pronoun.

• This University was founded in 1907. Then it had only 75 students.

Here the University is noun whereas it is pronoun.

• The students of this university participated in the foot-ball competition. They have won the competition.

Here, the students of this university is noun whereas They is pronoun.

• Mr. John, why can not you take more training in this field?

Here Mr. John is noun whereas you is pronoun.

• We, the natives of England, will support you for your humanitarian approach.

Here, the natives of England, is noun whereas we is pronoun.

• I, the father of the child, will attend the parents-meet scheduled to be held on 13th of this month.

the father of this child is noun whereas I is pronoun.

The pronoun
it is used to indicate only the neuter gender.

Tree, lion, river, sky, book, car, computer and language can be denoted by the pronoun

Al these seven Personal Pronouns as such are called
Nominative forms of Personal Pronouns.

All these seven Personal Pronouns have their own
Possessive forms of Personal Pronouns.

Mine( I ), ours(we), his(he), hers(she), its(it), yours(you) and theirs(they).


• This book is not mine.

• That house of hers is beautiful.

• That is the college of ours.

• This book is his.

All these seven Personal Pronouns have their own
Accusative forms of Personal Pronouns.

Me( I ), us(we), you(you), him(he), her(she), it(it) and them(they).


• He gave a book to me.

• The presents are meant for you and her.

• The Dean warned all of them.

• He gave us his house to stay for ten days as he went to Tokyo.

I, we, you, he, she, it and they are the seven personal pronouns. Because, they stand for the three-persons.

i. The person speaking
ii. The person spoken to
iii. The person spoken of

The pronouns
I and we, which denote the person or persons speaking, are said to be Personal Pronouns of the FIRST PERSON.

The pronoun
you, which denotes the person or persons spoken to, is said to be a Personal Pronoun of SECOND PERSON.
YOU is used both in the singular and in the plural.

The pronouns, he, she, it, and they which denotes the person or persons spoken of, are said to be Personal Pronouns of

The following are the different forms of the personal pronouns.


I and We are First Persons.

Nominative forms:

• I will come to your house today evening.

• We will do our best to get the job.

Possessive forms:

• That book is mine.

• That University is ours.

Accusative forms:

• He gave me a five-rupee note.

• He called on us.


You is the only SECOND PERSON.

Nominative Form:

• You are our best friend.

• You are welcome.

Possessive form:

• That suitcase in brown cover is yours.

Accusative form:

• We gave you your room-key.


He, She, They and It are THIRD PERSONS.

Nominative forms:

• He is a student of this University.
• She is learning French.
• They are from Japan.
• It is my home-town.

Possessive forms:

• That book is his.
• That book is hers.
• That book is ours.
• Japan is a workaholic country. The growth that it has attained is its.

Accusative forms:

• They gave him an award.
• They praised her for her splendid performance.
• People voted us to power. We thanked them.
• A cow is giving us ten liters of milk a day. We feed it properly.

These are the only seven pronouns. The pronouns that you are going to see under other different-types of Pronouns as mentioned below are various forms of these seven pronouns only.

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