
Grammar Index Page

Grammar Page Continuation

Here you will find examples for all English Grammar Terms. This is added as our response to our visitors who persistently demand examples for all Grammar Terms in order to understand those terms clearly.

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The Terms are arranged here on first-one-first basis.

  1. The Units of English
  2. Letters
  3. Alphabets
  4. Capital Letters
  5. Small Letters
  6. Vowels
  7. Consonants
  8. Words
  9. Sentences
    (a) Assertive Sentences
    (b) Interrogative Sentences
    (c) Imperative Sentences
    (d) Exclamatory Sentences
  10. Subject and Predicate
  11. Phrase
    (a) Noun Phrases
    (b) Adjectival Phrases
    (c) Adverbial Phrases
  12. Clause
    (a) The Main Clause
    (b) The Subordinate Clause
    (1) The Noun Clause
    (2) The Adjective Clause
    (3) The Adverb Clause
  13. Parts of Speech
  14. Noun
    (a) Proper Noun
    (b) Common Noun
    (c) Collective Noun
    (d) Abstract Noun
    (e) Concrete Noun
    (f) Material Noun
    (g) Countable Noun
    (h) Uncountable Noun
    (i) Noun Genders
    (1) Masculine Gender
    (2) Feminine Gender
    (3) Common Gender
    (4) Neuter Gender
    (j) Case of A Noun

    (1) Nominative Case
    (2) Objective or Accusative Case
    (3) Dative Case
    (4) Possessive or Genitive Case
    (5) Vocative Case
    (k) Nouns by Number
    (1) Singular Noun
    (2) Plural Noun
  15. Verb
    (a) Transitive Verb
    (b) Intransitive Verb
    (c) Auxiliary Verb
    (d) Primary Auxiliary Verbs
    (e) Modal Auxiliary Verbs
    (f) Semi Modal Auxiliary Verbs
    (g) Quasi Modal Auxiliary Verbs
    (h) Regular Verbs
    (i) Weak Verbs
    (j) Irregular Verbs
    (k) Strong Verbs
    (l) Modal Verb
    (m) The Verb Be
    (n) Verb
    (o) Verb Phrase
  16. Pronoun
    (a) Personal Pronoun
    (b) Reflexive Pronoun
    (c) Emphatic Pronoun
    (d) Demonstrative Pronoun
    (e) Indefinite Pronoun
    (1) Universal Pronouns
    (2) Assertive Pronouns
    (3) Non-Assertive Pronouns
    (4) Negative Pronouns
    (f) Distributive Pronoun
    (g) Relative Pronoun
    (h) Interrogative Pronoun
    (i) Reciprocal Pronoun
    (j) Possessive Pronoun
    (k) Prepositional Pronoun
    (l) First Person
    (m) Second Person
    (n) Third Person

  17. Adjective
    (a) Adjective of Quality
    (b) Adjective of Quantity
    (c) Adjective of Number
    (d) Interrogative Adjective
    (e) Possessive Adjective
    (f) Distributive Adjective
    (g) Proper Adjective
    (h) Demonstrative Adjective
    (i) Adjective with Noun
    (j) Adjective with Verb
  18. Adverb
    (a) Adverb Modifies Verb
    (b) Adverb modifies Adjective
    (c) Adverb modifies Adverb
    (d) Adverbs of Manner
    (e) Adverbs of Time
    (f) Adverbs of Frequency
    (g) Adverbs of Number
    (h) Adverbs of Place
    (i) Interrogative Adverbs
    (j) Adverbs of Extent
    (k) Adverbs of Degree
    (l) Adverbs of Purpose
    (m) Adverbs of Reasons
    (n) Exclamatory Adverbs
    (0) Relative Adverbs
    (p) Adverbs of Affirmation
    (q) Adverbs of Negation
  19. Preposition
    (a) Prepositions and Verbs
    (b) Prepositions and Nouns
    (c) Prepositions and Adjectives
    (d) Simple Prepositions
    (e) Complex Prepositions
    (f) Compound Prepositions
    (g) Participle Prepositions
    (h) Phrasal Prepositions
  20. Tenses
    (a) Simple Present Tense
    (b) Simple Past Tense
    (c) Simple Future Tense
    (d) Sentences in Present Continuous Tense
    (e) Past Continuous Tense
    (f) Future Continuous Tense
    (g) Present Perfect Tense
    (h) Past Perfect Tense
    (i) Future Perfect Tense
    (j) Present Perfect Continuous Tense
    (k) Past Perfect Continuous Tense
    (l) Future Perfect Continuous Tense
  21. VOICES
    Present Tense in Active Voice
    Past Tense in Active Voice
    Future Tense in Active Voice

    Present Tense in Passive Voice
    Past Tense in Passive Voice
    Future Tense in Passive Voice

    Present Tense in Question Form
    Past Tense in Question Form
    Future Tense in Question Form

    Present Continuous Tense in Active Voice
    Past Continuous Tense in Active Voice
    Future Continuous Tense in Active Voice

    Present Continuous Tense in Passive Voice
    Past Continuous Tense in Passive Voice
    Future Continuous Tense in Passive Voice

    Present Continuous Tense in Question Form
    Past Continuous Tense in Question Form
    Future Continuous Tense in Question Form

    Present Perfect Tense in Active Voice
    Past Perfect Tense in Active Voice
    Future Perfect Tense in Active Voice

    Present Perfect Tense in Passive Voice
    Past Perfect Tense in Passive Voice
    Future Perfect Tense in Passive Voice

    Present Perfect Tense in Question Form
    Past Perfect Tense in Question Form
    Future Perfect Tense in Question Form

    Present Perfect Continuous Tense in Active Voice
    Past Perfect Continuous Tense in Active Voice
    Future Perfect Continuous Tense in Active Voice

    Present Perfect Continuous Tense in Passive Voice
    Past Perfect Continuous Tense in Passive Voice
    Future Perfect Continuous Tense in Passive Voice

    Present Perfect Continuous Tense in Question Form
    Past Perfect Continuous Tense in Question Form
    Future Perfect Continuous Tense in Question Form

Transformation of Sentences
Types of Sentences
Direct Speech
Indirect Speech
Direct Speech into Indirect Speech
Be Form Verbs
Auxiliary Verbs
Do Form Verbs
Have Form Verbs
Singular Pronouns
Plural Pronouns
First Person
Second Person
Third Person
Simple Prepositions
Compound Prepositions
English Verb List
VERBS ended with ED
Simple Conversation
English Grammar
Simple Sentences
The Special Uses of DO
How to use DARE?
How to use USED TO?
Proverbs List
Words beginning with X
Questions beginning with WHAT
Questions with WHAT
Questions that beginning with WHAT
Questions beginning with WHEN
Questions beginning with WHY
Questions beginning with WHOM
Questions beginning with WHERE
Questions that beginning with WHERE
Questions with WHERE
Questions beginning with WHOSE
Questions beginning with HOW MANY
Questions with HOW MANY
Questions beginning with HOW MUCH
Questions beginning with HOW LONG
Questions with HOW LONG
Questions beginning with HOW FAR
How to use AM?
How to use IS? - 1
How to use IS? - 2
How to use WAS? - 1
How to use WAS? - 2
How to use ARE? - 1
How to use ARE? - 2
How to use WERE? - 1
How to use WERE? - 2
How to use DID? - 1
How to use DID? - 2
How to use DO?
How to use DOES?
How to use HAVE? - 1
How to use HAVE? - 2
How to use HAS? - 1
How to use HAS? - 2
How to use HAD?
How to use WILL?
How to use WOULD?
How to use SHALL?
How to use SHOULD?
How to use CAN?
How to use COULD?
How to use MAY?
How to use MIGHT?
How to use MUST?
How to use OUGHT TO?
How to use NEED?
How to use DARE?
How to use USED TO?
How to Teach Simple Present Tense?
How to Teach the Present Simple Tense?
How to Teach Simple Past Tense?
How to Teach Regular Verbs?
How to Teach Irregular Verbs?
How to teach past perfect tense?
How to Teach the Simple Past Tense?
How to Teach the Verb to Be?
How to Teach Degrees of Comparison?
How to Teach Comparatives and Superlatives?
How to Teach The Present Continuous Tense?
How to Teach The Present Continuous Tense?
How to Teach The Past Continuous Tense?
How to Teach the Future Perfect Tense?
How to Teach Simple Past and Present Perfect?
How to Teach Word Order?
How to Teach the Past Perfect Tense?
How to Teach Present Perfect?
How to Teach Present Perfect?
How to Teach FOR and SINCE?
How to Teach WILL?
How to Teach GOING TO?
How to Teach The Simple Future Tense?
How to Teach Passive Voice Constructions?
How to Teach The Passive Voice?
How to Teach The Future Continuous Tense?
How to Teach The Present Perfect Continuous Tense?
How to Teach Reported Speech?
How to Teach Statements?
How to Teach Indirect Speech?
How to Teach Reported Speech?
How to Teach Ordinal Numbers in 5 Easy Steps?
How to Explain The Difference between Gerund and Infinitive?
How to Teach Personal Pronouns?
How to Teach Modal Verbs?
How to Teach Question Structures?
How to Teach The Imperative Form?
How to Teach Relative Pronouns?
How to Teach USED TO?
How to Teach WOULD?
How to Teach Grammar?
How to Teach Grammar Points?
How to Teach Boring Grammar Points?
Degrees of Comparison
Irregular Modifiers
Kinds of Degrees of Comparison
Correct English Grammar
5 New Fun Ways to Teach Grammar to ESL Students
Gerund and Infinitive
Present Perfect Mystery?
Degrees of Comparison - 1
Degrees of Comparison - 2
Degrees of Comparison - 3
Degrees of Comparison - 4
Compound Words
Basic English Grammar
compound conjunctive adverbs
Binomial Pairs
100 Most Frequently Used English Idioms
Binomial Pairs Joined by AND
Binomial Pairs Joined by OR
Binomial Pairs with Alliteration
Rhyming Binomials
Binomial Pairs Joined by Other Words
Spoken English
overused words and phrases
nouns only in plurals
Common Mistakes with English Prepositions
Powerful Sales Words and Phrases
Action Verbs for The Resume for Management Field
Action Verbs for The Resume for Communication Field
Action Verbs for The Resume for Research Field
Action Verbs for The Resume for Technical Field
Action Verbs for The Resume for Teaching Field
Action Verbs for The Resume for Financial Field
Action Verbs for The Resume for Creative Field
Action Verbs for The Resume for Helping Field
Action Verbs for The Resume for Clerical Field
Action Verbs for The Resume for Retail Field
Action Verbs
Units of English
Medical Vocabulary
Hotel Management
Governing Vocabulary
Employers Vocabulary
Figures of Speech
Verbs and Phrases Followed by A Gerund
The Irregular Verbs Lay and Lie
What are nouns?
100 English Words Without The 4 Letters ABCD
The Nature of English Language
Introduction to English Grammar
Elementary English Grammar

  • 7 Myths About Language Learning
  • 7 Myths of Learning A Language

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