Tit For Tat

Tit For Tat :

A river flew through a forest. Once, a hungry lion came to quench his thirst at the river. As he was drinking water, he spotted a donkey drinking water on the other bank. The lion thought, "Donkeys are fools. I must do something to catch this foolish animal for lunch."

So the lion called out, "Mr. Donkey, are there any jackals on your side of the river bank? I feel like hearing their song."

"No sir, jackals cannot sing any better than me. Let me sing for you," the foolish donkey said. He lifted his head up to the sky, closed his eyes and started braying. The lion crossed over a bridge and caught the donkey when he was braying.

But the donkey was clever. He said, "Oh! Do you want to eat me? I don't mind, but I have heard that good lions pray to God before the lunch."

""Yes, yes, I must pray before lunch," said the lion and closed his eyes to pray. The donkey kicked the lion hard and ran away.

The lion had been paid through the same plan he himself had made.

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