
THE TALES, The Parables and The Fables are all common and popular modes of conveying instruction. Each is distinguished by its own special characteristics.

The Tale consists simply in the narration of a story either founded on facts or created solely by the imagination and not necessarily associated with the teaching of any moral lesson.

The Parable is the designed use of language purposely intended to convey a hidden and secret meaning other than that contained in the words themselves and which may or may not bear a special reference to the hearer or to the reader.

The Fable partly agrees with and partly differs from both of these. It will contain, like the Tale, a short but real narrative. It will seek, like the Parable, to convey a hidden meaning and that not so much by the use of language, as by the skilful introduction of fictitious characters.

And yet unlike to either Tale or Parable, it will ever keep in view, as its high prerogative and inseparable attribute, the great purpose of instruction and will necessarily seek to inculcate some moral maxim, social duty or political truth. The true Fable, if it rise to its high requirements, ever aims at one great end and purpose representation of human motive and the improvement of human conduct and yet it so conceals its design under the disguise of fictitious characters, by clothing with speech the animals of the field, the birds of the air, the trees of the wood or the beasts of the forest, that the reader shall receive advice without perceiving the presence of the adviser.

Thus the superiority of the counsellor, which often renders counsel unpalatable, is kept out of view and the lesson comes with the greater acceptance when the reader is led, unconsciously to himself, to have his sympathies enlisted on behalf of what is pure, honorable and praiseworthy and to have his indignation excited against what is low, ignoble and unworthy. The true fabulist, therefore, discharges a most important function. He is neither a narrator nor an allegorist. He is a great teacher, a corrector of morals, a censor of vice and a commender of virtue. In this consists the superiority of the Fable over the Tale or the Parable. The fabulist is to create a laugh, but yet, under a merry guise, to convey instruction. Phaedrus, the great imitator of Aesop, plainly indicates this double purpose to be the true office of the writer of fables.

  1. A Lesson
  2. A Priceless Lesson
  3. Ability of The Coward
  4. Advice of The Goat
  5. Aman Learns A Lesson
  6. Better Than Ministers
  7. Blame
  8. Character Remain Same
  9. Clever Farmer
  10. Clever Monu
  11. Cleverness of Mohit
  12. Cure for The King
  13. Different Ways
  14. Do What You Say.
  15. Do You Know Swimming?
  16. Doctor Croaky
  17. Dream Comes True.
  18. Everyone is Important.
  19. Evil Has an Evil End.
  20. Failure of Cruel Wolf
  21. Faith in God
  22. Final Punishment
  23. For A Rupee
  24. Fruits of Labour
  25. Gain or Loss
  26. God and Man
  27. God is Merciful.
  28. God of Kanhayya
  29. Gold for Rahman
  30. Green Gold
  31. Hawk and Nightingale
  32. How Cats Became Pets?
  33. How Deserts are formed?
  34. Justice
  35. Justice of The Qazi
  36. Khichdi by Ramu
  37. Kindness of The Farmer
  38. Lesson of The Camel
  39. Long Trunk of Elephant
  40. Look Where You Walk.
  41. Maria The Foolish Girl
  42. Never Blame God.
  43. Oversmartness of Amit
  44. Patience Pays
  45. Plan of Kishan
  46. Powers of The Hermit
  47. Prayers of The Potter
  48. Pride Takes A Fall.
  49. Revenge of Fox
  50. Seeking Contentment
  51. Selecting The Treasurer
  52. Self-Help
  53. Snake among The Frogs
  54. Sweet Truth
  55. The Art of Telling-Truth
  56. The Bell on The Cat
  57. The Caged Monkey
  58. The Cat and The Hens
  59. The Class Monitor
  60. The Clever Jester
  61. The Clever Merchant
  62. The Clever Mouse
  63. The Coconut
  64. The Correct Solution
  65. The Cricket and The Ants
  66. The Cunning Wolf
  67. The Dishonest Bear
  68. The Dog and The Donkey
  69. The Dog of A Hunter
  70. The Eagle and The Crow
  71. The Enemies
  72. The Farmer and His Sons
  73. The Foolish Dogs
  74. The Foolish Frog
  75. The Fourteenth Man
  76. The Fox and The Monkey King
  77. The Fox and The Snake
  78. The Fox and Wolf in Court
  79. The Golden Chance
  80. The Golden Idol
  81. The Greatest Solution
  82. The Guilty Person
  83. The Hare and The Fox
  84. The Hunting Dog and The Guard Dog
  85. The Intelligent Painter
  86. The Jealous Tree
  87. The Mad Fisherman
  88. The Messenger Donkey
  89. The Miser
  90. The Flowers from The Moon
  91. The Fox and The Stork
  92. The Four Thieves
  93. The Hotel Owners
  94. The Hut of A Old Woman
  95. The Intelligent Enemy
  96. The Intelligent Wife
  97. The Lazy Birds
  98. The Lion and The Grateful Mouse
  99. The Magical Pot
  100. The Monkey and The Fisherman
  101. The Musical Wolf
  102. The New King
  103. The Only Wish
  104. The Ox and The Horse
  105. The Pet Dog
  106. The Pleasure of Freedom
  107. The Proud Butterfly
  108. The Royal Gift
  109. The Servant of A Brahmin
  110. The Sick Lion
  111. The Sick Lion and The Prudent Fox
  112. The Skin of The Donkey
  113. The Smart Dog
  114. The Story of Wells
  115. The Tenth Friend
  116. The Thankful Eagle
  117. The Three Questions
  118. The Two Beggars
  119. The Value of Position
  120. The View Point of Lion
  121. The White Snake and The Black Snake
  122. The Wolf and The Lamb
  123. The World is Round.
  124. The Wrestling Tortoise
  125. Think Before You Speak.
  126. Thorns and Petals
  127. Tit For Tat : 1
  128. Tit For Tat : 2
  129. Value of Time
  130. Vanity of A Crow
  131. Wealth Spells Trouble.
  132. What is in A Name?
  133. What to Buy?
  134. Who is The Fool?
  135. Wisdom of Yashvardhan
  136. Witness of The Merchant
  137. Worthless Obligations

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