A Word A Day : Wheedle

Sunday, 20th April 2008 : Today's Word is ...


( Verb )

Pronunciation : wood'l & hwood'l


1. to coax or try to persuade somebody to do something using flattery, guile, or other indirect means

2. to persuade or attempt to persuade by flattery or guile

3. to obtain something from somebody by coaxing, persuasion, flattery, guile, or other indirect means

4. to use flattery or cajolery to achieve one's ends

5. to influence by gentle urging, caressing or flattering


Origin is not known.


cajole, palaver, blarney, coax, sweet-talk, inveigle, blandish, honey



Contextual Examples:

• Do not try to wheedle the information out of me by using flattery.

• She is a wheedler who wheedled my life savings out of me.

Related Words:

wheedler : Verb

wheedlingly : Adverb

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