Basic English Grammar :
Start learning about the 8 parts of speech….nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, prepositions, conjunctions, and interjections. The students from all parts of this world have realized that English Knowledge is the first visa to this wonderful world where they can do something in accordance to their knowledge and abilities to make money and to live a life of their choices. In that world there is no hindrance to attain their dream and realize their goals.
Here is a portal where all the study materials for the students to learn the Basic English language are available in abundance. The kids also can come here to find the materials of their needs and demands. By carefully reading these pages, the students will become fluent in English language and will understand the basics of English Grammar. You can learn Basic English online for free. Whether you have been living in an English speaking country for a long time or you just moved to a country where English is not spoken widely, this site will help you to master English language in reasonable time span.
We offer all these pages at free of cost. You can browse these pages at any time in your leisure time. Since our advertisers meet our expenses to maintain this website, we come forward to offer these materials free of cost to our readers.
The employees who are working in the IT and Computer fields and who are expected to travel all over the world to meet their customers have to become proficient in their English language skills so that they can interact with their customers and co-workers. English is a universal language and is spoken in many countries in the world. We have learnt that English is the official language of many countries in this interconnected world. Communication in English is very important in today's competitive and advanced time. English provides the perfect medium for all the cultures and the people to communicate through their books, movies, plays, internet, colleges or other resources.
Do not waste any more time wondering if you can learn Basic English. There are several free materials that will get you started at the correct level and help you move quickly through the lessons and gain confidence in your speaking and writing ability. Do not let a language barrier hold you back. Begin learning easy English grammar today. We will be with you through out your learning process. Younger students will greatly benefit from this step-by-step approach to English grammar basics. This is the ideal supplement to your language arts program whether your students are native English speakers or beginning English language learners. Skill-specific lessons make it easy to locate and prescribe instant reinforcement or intervention. Illustrated lessons are tightly focused on core concepts of grammar. Nearly 70 practice exercises are included for ready reinforcement. Wealth of examples is provided on every topic. Concise explanations are bolstered by extra grammar tips and useful language notes.
Basic English Grammar - Basic English Grammar
- What is English Grammar?
- The Capital Letter
- Big Letter
- Uppercase
- Nouns
- Common Nouns
- Proper Nouns
- Singular Nouns
- Plural Nouns
- Collective Nouns
- Masculine Nouns
- Feminine Nouns
- Masculine Gender
- Feminine Gender
- Common-Gender
- Neuter Nouns
- Pronouns
- Personal Pronouns
- First Person
- Second Person
- Third Person
- Reflexive Pronouns
- Interrogative Pronouns
- Demonstrative Pronouns
- Adjectives
- Adjective Endings
- Kinds of Adjectives
- Adjectives of Origin
- Adjectives of Quality
- Adjectives of Color
- Adjectives of Size
- Adjectives of Quantity
- Quantifying Determiners
- Comparison of Adjectives
- Degrees of Comparison
- Comparative Degree
- Superlative Degree
- Determiners
- The Articles
- Indefinite Articles
- Definite Article
- Demonstrative Determiners
- Demonstrative Adjectives
- Interrogative Determiners
- Interrogative Adjectives
- Possessive Determiners
- Possessive Adjectives
- Sentences with Adjectives
- Sentences with Determiners
- Verbs and Tenses
- Verbs
- Tenses
- Action Words
- The Simple Present Tense
- How to use AM?
- How to use IS?
- How to use ARE?
- The Present Progressive Tense
- Helping Verbs
- Auxiliary Verbs
- Have and Has - 1
- Have and Has - 2
- The Present Perfect Tense
- The Simple Past Tense
- Regular and Irregular Verbs
- Was and Were
- The Past Progressive Tense
- The Future Tense
- Can and Could
- May and Might
- How to use DO?
- How to use DOES?
- How to use DID?
- Would and Should
- Subject-Verb Agreement
- Adverbs
- Adverbs of Manner
- Adverbs of Time
- Adverbs of Place
- Prepositions
- Conjunctions
- Conjunctions of Time
- Interjections
- Sentences
- What is a Sentence?
- Kinds of Sentences
- Four Kinds of Sentences
- Declarative Sentence
- Interrogative Sentence
- Exclamatory Sentence
- Imperative Sentence
- The Imperative
- The Subject and The Object
- Direct Objects
- Indirect Objects
- Positive Sentences
- Negative Sentences
- Questions
- Punctuation
- Punctuations
- Punctuation Marks
- Apostrophe
Basic English Grammar :
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