Nothing ventured nothing gained...

Nothing ventured nothing gained.

Nothing will come of nothing.

This line means that it is definite that we cannot evolve anything from where there is nothing as nothing represents that there is no thing. If we do not make any efforts, we cannot expect any good result for our endeavor.

This line is taken from the play KING LEAR. King Lear says this to Cordelia when she says, ‘Nothing… while answering to his question how much she loves him. She meant that her love for him was nothing compared to the great love that Goneril and Reagan had professed. But King Lear in his furious and rash mood said that she would get nothing if she had nothing to say about her love for him. Actually King Lear mistook what she had meant about her love for him.

So all of us should take efforts to get the results that we want. Otherwise, the future will be bleak. For the betterment of humanity, we have to do many good acts which will produce the expected results. The humankind has seen many such people who have left behind their foot prints of many achievements which produce the same results.

No pain no gain. = Nothing ventured nothing gained.

The proverb conveys that we can never succeed without trying out something and facing failures. Any person who sits idle and do not do any labour cannot gain anything in their life. As no prey can enter the mouth of sleeping lion, those who do not take pains in life can’t be successful in their life. Without adequate effort we cannot get any result. The farmer must plough the land, then make the land moist and then plant the seeds, pluck out the weeds, protect the crops from insects and finally he arrives at a good harvest. He has to go through all these process and do them systematically so as to have a good harvest. He cannot just drop the seeds on the land and expect them to grow into a good crop.

Similar to this a student must put in a good deal of hard work for a considerable length of time to attain a proper qualification. He cannot buy the books and sit and relax and think that he will attain a qualification. A person who sits idle and does nothing wastes his own time. The great inventors have achieved so much only by laboring for years together with a singular objective. So if we take strenuous efforts we can succeed or we cannot gain anything if we do not take efforts.

Nothing ventured nothing gained.


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