Examples of Short Stories

Here are many examples of short stories for you to read online. Online has become another leg in our life. WE have to take that into account so that we will go along the growth of the science and technology. Computer has revolutionalised our world. The people have started to see another world. What we were has become history. The twentieth century has become remote history. The IT companies and other computer-based companies have outperformed other traditional companies which have been there for a long time. Accuracy has become the most used word among the people. Telecommunication has become very very cheap affair all over the world. All these achievements are possible because of Computer and the Internet. Reading short stories online has become our favorite pastime.

Collection of Short Stories :
  • Animal Stories
  • Witty Tales
  • Moral Stories
  • Humorous Stories
  • Zen Tales
  • Raman Stories
  • Mulla Stories
  • Aesop’s fables
  • Jataka Tales
  • Birbal Stories
  • Modern Stories
  • Classics
  • Fables
  • Stories from around the World
  • Mythological Stories

  • Other Stories :
  • Advising A Fool
  • Foolish Imitation
  • The Hospitality of The Pigeon
  • The Arrogant Swans
  • The Bonded Donkey
  • The Bone in Throat
  • The Brahmin and His Enemies
  • Bad Temper
  • The Curse of The Bullock
  • The Clever Crow
  • The Clever Bull
  • The Clever Fox
  • The Cunning Bats
  • The Dangerous Helper
  • The Donkey and The Cotton
  • The Donkey and The Dog
  • The Donkey and The Horse
  • The Foolish Fish
  • The Fragrance
  • The Golden Egg
  • The Golden Swan
  • The Greedy Dog
  • The Holy Snake
  • The Ignorant Man
  • The Iron Box
  • The Judge Monkey
  • The Lamb and The Wolf
  • The Magic Pot
  • The Monkey and The Juggler
  • The Naughty Lamb
  • The Palace and The Hut
  • The Perfect Palace
  • The Pigeon and The Bad Crows
  • The Prince and The Snake
  • The Rightful Owner
  • The Selfish Crows
  • The Stag and His Reflection
  • The Stubborn Hunter
  • The Trees and The Lions
  • The Ugly Tree
  • The Ungrateful Lion
  • A Father learns A Lesson from His Son
  • A Wise Deer and A Cowardly Tiger
  • Children are Wiser than Elders
  • Eureka! Eureka!
  • Louis Pasteur
  • Hercules
  • Reward for Bravery
  • The Story of The Prodigal Son
  • The Three Questions
  • Three Simple Rules
  • Yussouf
  • Fair Shares
  • Good Company and Bad Company
  • The Death of A Man Eater

  • Examples of Short Stories to HOME PAGE

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