10 Reasons To Use White Vinegar When Doing The Laundry

10 Reasons To Use White Vinegar When Doing The Laundry

1. Put half a cup of white vinegar on the clothes before putting them in the machine. It will protect the color of the clothes, increase the power of the laundry detergent and it will reduce any soapy residue after the washing.

2. Use vinegar instead of fabric softener. Pour it in the designated compartment of the washing machine It will provide the same effect, but it is softer and does not harm the environment.

3. White vinegar contains acid which removes deodorant stains and sweat from the white clothes.

4. Add half a cup of white vinegar to the laundry to prevent the residues on the clothes after washing, left by the powder detergents.

5. White vinegar neutralizes unpleasant smells. You surely don’t want your laundry to smell like cigarette smoke, right?

6. Make a vinegar solution by combining hot water and half a cup vinegar and soak the dirty clothes in. Let them soak overnight then wash them as usual.

7. It is known that is impossible to remove animal hairs and fuzz from some fabrics. But, vinegar can help you to remove them. Your clothes will be clean and will not have hairs stuck on them.

8. The acid in the vinegar will help in taking care of the static charge.

9. Add 6 tablespoons vinegar to the hand wash. Let it soak for half an hour. This also can be used for washing swimwear and underwear.

10. Clean and descale your machine by using the mighty vinegar. You can do this without the usage of harsh chemicals.

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