Advanced English

This section Advanced English largely focuses on the areas of usage which are often troublesome to non-native speakers of English. So far, you have learned the lessons for forming your own sentences. Here after, pay more attention on refining those sentences so that your character is reflected in those sentences. Take one lesson a day and master it to its core. And take more practicing exercises in order to familiarize yourself with the usages of all figures of English.

As it is said at the outset itself, bring a note-book and a pen in order to take down notes for your future reference.This section on Advanced-English takes you to the next higher level.

There are various minute-points in every section. Go at the speed of a TORTOISE for mastering all those points.This section on Advanced-English takes you to the next higher level.

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• The Verb and the Subject in a sentence must agree with each other. There are many types of sentences which have to be treated differently.This section on Advanced-English takes you to the next higher level.To know more…
Subject and Verb agreement-1

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Subject and Verb agreement-2

• The Tenses used in a sentence should be appropriate to the meaning of the sentence. All the tenses should be used properly.This section on Advanced-English takes you to the next higher level.To know more about how to use the Tenses properly…

The correct uses of Tenses

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Comparison of Apples and Oranges

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Choice of Words

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• There is more to learn about Idioms. Use them as frequently as possible in your writings.Such a practice will improve your communication skills.To get accustomed to the usages of them...

More on Idioms

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• Many examples might have made the point very clear that the proper Word-Order is must for any sentence to be beautiful.What would happen if the sentence does not have the Word-Order?

Word Order

• There are special types of sentences which are said to be in Subjunctive Mood.This section on Advanced-English takes you to the next higher level.These sentences violate the usual rules relating to subject-predicate agreement in number and in tense.HOW?

Subjunctive Mood

• There are few Special Sentences which are too commonly used but which are grammatically and idiomatically correct. But, they are quite different from other normal sentences. HOW? Special Sentences

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Figures of Speech

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Spelling Rules

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