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12th Grade Math :
AP Probability and Statistics
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Our 12th AP Probability and Statistics Grade Online Tutoring program is designed to help you get the desired grade by mastering the subject.
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This is a representative list of topics covered in our Grade 12 Math - AP Probability and Statistics program. However all our programs will be customized for the individual student.
- AP Probability and Statistics
Probability problems with finite sample spaces
Finite sample spaces - addition rules for probability distributions
Finite sample spaces - multiplication rules for probability distributions
Finite sample spaces - complementation rules for probability distributions
Conditional probability
Discrete/continuous random variables
Discrete random variables
Continuous random variables
Mean/variance of discrete random variable
Mean of discrete random variable
Variance of discrete random variable
Standard distributions
Normal distributions
Binomial distributions
Exponential distributions
Mean/standard deviation of normally distributed random variable
Mean of a normally distributed random variable
Standard deviation of a normally distributed random variable
Central limit theorem
Line of best fit - least squares regression
Correlation coefficient
Statistic of a distribution
Statistic of a distribution of values
Sampling distribution of a statistic
Variability of a statistic
Mean/standard deviation of sampling distribution
Mean of a sampling distribution
Standard deviation of a sampling distribution
Mean/standard deviation of population distribution
Mean of a population distribution
Standard deviation of a population distribution
Confidence intervals
P-value for a statistic
Chi-square distribution/test
Chi-square distribution
Chi-square test
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