Abhor : Synonyms and Antonyms


Transitive verb

The foreigners who come to this country as tourists abhor the beggars who roam around the cities.


1. Hate

2. dislike

3. detest

4. loathe

5. despise

6. abominate

Contextual Examples:

We should
hate sin, not the sinner.

dislike for the type of work resulted in his very slow rise in position.

The noble person
loathes crime.

The rich should not
despise the poor.

The conqueror should not
abominate the defeated enemy.


1. Love

2. fondness

3. liking

4. inclination

5. desire

6. admiration

7. affection

8. attachment

9. yearning

10. passion

11. devotion

12. infatuation

13. advocating

14. idolatry

Contextual Examples:

Love of humanity is the first condition of prayer to GOD.

The father developed more
fondness for his second daughter due to her great care for him.

Deepak has a great
attachment with his cousin, but you can not call it love.

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