Business Dictionary :
Accommodation and Accompany

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Accommodation : noun :

(a) money lent for a short time

(b) to reach an accommodation with creditors = to agree terms for settlement

(c) accommodation bill = bill of exchange where the person signing is helping someone to raise a loan

(d) place to live

• Visitors have difficulty in finding hotel accommodation during the summer.

• They are living in furnished accommodation.

Accommodation address = address used for receiving messages but which is not the real address of the company

NOTE : no plural In GB English. But US English can have accommodations for meaning (d)

QUOTE : An airline ruling requires airlines to provide a free night hotel accommodation for full fare passengers in transit. ( Business Traveler )

QUOTE : Any non-resident private landlord can let furnished or unfurnished accommodation to a tenant. ( Times )

QUOTE : The airline provides roomy accommodation at below-average fares. ( Dun s Business Month )

Accompany : verb : to go with

• The chairman came to the meeting accompanied by the finance director.

• They sent a formal letter of complaint accompanied by an invoice for damage.

NOTE : accompanied by something

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