Adjective with Noun

Grammar Index : 2

Let us see how Adjective with Noun is used. When adjective is used with a noun, the adjective is usually used before the noun.

For Examples :

  • The Lazy boy was punished.

  • The beautiful lady fails to attract the visitors.

  • The bright student did not score more marks in this exam.

  • The long road is full of twists.

  • The corrupt politicians were punished by the Court Of Law.

  • I met a beautiful girl today morning.

  • The clever boy is rewarded.

  • The wonderful paintings were sold today.

  • The Indian goods have a great demand.

  • The tall teacher is on leave today.

  • The white car is bought by them.

  • The idle servant was dismissed.

  • Adjective with Verb :

    Let us see how Adjective with Verb is used. When adjective is used with a verb, the adjective is usually used after the verb.

    For Examples :
  • He is an honest man.

  • He is a mere child.

  • It is sheer nonsense.

  • He reads a good book.

  • That park is clean.

  • He became rich.

  • They seem angry.

  • He went left before 6 am.

  • They paid the last bill this week only.

  • They purchased a new car for their only daughter.

  • He is a nice boy.

  • This is a heavy box.

  • Grammar Index : 2

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