
Adverb will modify the meaning of a verb, an adjective or another adverb.


• The deer runs very fast. (The word “fast" is an adverb which modifies the verb “run")

• The mango is a very sweet fruit. (The word “very" is an adverb which modifies the adjective “sweet")

• Philips speaks quite clearly. (The word “quite" is an adverb which modifies the adverb “clearly")

• He runs fast. (The adverb “fast" modifies the verb “run")

• I write slowly. (The adverb “slowly" modifies the verb “write")

• The boy speaks clearly. (The adverb “clearly" modifies the verb “speaks")

The most common adverbs are those which answer the questions when, where, how, and why.

1. Adverbs may indicate time.


Now, before, soon, yesterday, never, formerly etc…

2. Adverbs may indicate frequency.


Often, twice, again, frequently, seldom etc…

3. Adverbs may indicate place.


Here, there, everywhere, up, backward etc…

4. Adverbs may indicate manner.

Clearly, hard, soundly, slowly, sadly etc…


If the work of the adverb is performed by a phrase, that adverb (phrase) is called adverbial phrase.


• He lived in this house for nearly twenty years.

• I stood on the bridge at midnight.

• They sat for a while on the bench.

• I thank you with all my heart.


A full-clause may also do the job of an adverb. In that case such a clause is called adverbial clause.


• When you finish the work, you may go home.

• Before you go, bring me some water.

• I have left the book where I can find it again.

• Since you were not there, I spoke to your brother.

• If it rains, we shall stay at home.

• Unless you work hard, you will fail in the test.

• Emma is older than she looks.

• He had come while I was out.

• If he were rich, he would probably help us.

• The sum is so simple that everyone can solve it.

• Though he is poor, he is honest.

• The earth is bigger than the moon.

Go to the section on Conjunction to continue.

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