We will help you to get the most out of your web advertisement. This website is visited by, on an average, 2 lakh people per month around the world. Most of them are from USA and India. Half a million pages are viewed in a month.
This site is within The TOP 0.25% of all websites in the world!
Over 4.5 lakh people visit this site every month.
ONE and HALF (1.5) Million Pages of this site are viewed every month.We run the textual ads of a few educational institutions and other education-related service providers. Your web advertisement plan will give you the best return by advertising with us.
We take advertisement on a monthly basis as well to make you take a trial with us so that you will become convinced about the rate of return by advertising with us.
Our FEES Structure for providing
textual links in the top three pages |
For a period of three months, we charge only $150.
For a period of six months, we charge only $275.
For a period of one year, we charge only $525.
Here is the List of Our Advertisers.For more details, please
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