Business Dictionary :
Allocate, Allocation, Allot and Allotment

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Allocate : verb : to divide (a sum of money) in various ways and share it out

• We allocate 10% of revenue to publicity.

• $2,500 was allocated to office furniture.

Allocation : noun : dividing a sum of money in various ways

• Allocation of capital

• Allocation of funds to a project

• Share allocation or allocation of shares = spreading a small number of shares among a large number of people who have applied for them

Allot : verb : to share out

• To allot shares = to give a certain number of shares to people who have applied for them

NOTE : allotting & allotted

Allotment : noun

(a) sharing out funds by giving money to various departments

• Allotment of funds to a project

(b) giving some shares in a new company to people who have applied for them

• Share allotment

• Payment in full on allotment

• Letter of allotment = letter which tells someone who has applied for shares in a new company

• Allotment letter = letter which tells someone who has applied for shares in a new company

• How many shares he has been allotted?

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