Anagram Phrases
Anagrams Index
Here is the List of Anagram Phrases.
Anagrams are words or phrases made by mixing up the letters of other words or phrases.
E.g. THE EYES is an anagram of THEY SEE.
Elvis lives | dormitory dirty room | the eyes they see | I spared a spider | car has a crash |
fingertips finest grip | television ads enslave idiots | disc is cd | A diet I'd eat | young lad an old guy |
asteroid threats disaster to earth | meal for one for me alone | my ideal time Immediately | I think therefore I am I fear to think I'm here | a gentleman elegant man |
rats and mice in cat's dream | a perfectionist I often practice | orators hate a sore throat | coins kept in pockets | astronomer moon starer |
astronomers no more stars | action man cannot aim | school student tends to slouch | debit card bad credit | certainly not can't rely on it |
schoolmaster the classroom | clothes pins so let's pinch | garbage man bag manager | postmaster stamp store | heavy rain Hire a navy |
a decimal point I'm a dot in place | the Morse code Here come dots | eleven plus two twelve plus one | statue of liberty built to stay free | conversation voices rant on |
video game give a demo | drum solo so loud Mr. | timetable Bet I'm late | sweep the floor too few helpers | older and wiser I learned words |
anti-democratic dictator came in | intensive care I can't even rise |
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