Oxymorons : Arts

Here is the largest collection of the Oxymorons related to ~
Arts ~.

American English

Baby Grand (piano)

Black Comedy

Black and White in Color

Blue Green

Classic Rock & Roll

Commercial Art

Contemporary Artifact

Conversational Story (Stories)

Dark Comedy

Fictional Reality

Genuine Fake

Genuine Imitation

Instant Classic

Modern Classic

Music Business

New Classic

One Man Show

Rap Music

Rock Opera

Short Tall Tales

Show Business

Solo Concert

Tragic Comedy

True Story (Stories)

Well-Preserved Ruins

Oxymoronic Quotes and Sayings : Arts

  • My play was a complete success. The audience was a failure.

  • Samuel Goldwyn, when told a script was full of old cliches: Let's have some new cliches. - Samuel Goldwyn

  • Samuel Goldwyn: What kind of dancing does Martha Graham do? Associate: Modern dancing. Samuel Goldwyn: I don't want her then, modern dancing is so old fashioned. - Samuel Goldwyn

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