Assessing Vocabulary

English Vocabulary Index

Assessing Vocabulary for 27th August :

  1. Principle (n) : basic rule, fundamental essence

  2. Print (v) : impress, publish

  3. Print (v) : mark left by pressing something

  4. Prior (adj.) : former, earlier

  5. Prior (n) : head of a monastery

  6. Priority (n) : claim to first consideration

  7. Prism (n) : a solid glass triangular body

  8. Prison (n) : a building in which criminals are shut up

  9. Prisoner (n) : one shut up in a prison

  10. Pristine (adj.) : original, ancient

  11. Prithee (interj) : I pray thee

  12. Privacy (n) : seclusion, secrecy

  13. Private (n) : not holding official position, secret, personal

  14. Private (n) : a common soldier

  15. Privation (n) : lack of things necessary for comfort or health, want , hardship

  16. Privet (n) : an evergreen shrub

  17. Privilege (n) : right, special favour

  18. Privy (adj.) : private

  19. Privy (n) : latrine

  20. Prize (n) : gift for a merit

  21. Prize (v) : value highly

  22. Probability (n) : likelihood, reasonableness, chance

  23. Probable (adj.) : likely to be true likely to happen, likely

  24. Probable (adv) : probably

  25. Probation (n) : a state or period of being tested

  26. Probe (v) : examine thoroughly

  27. Probe (n) : an instrument used by doctors for learning about the depth and direction of the wound

  28. Probity (n) : tried and proved virtue, honesty, uprightness

  29. Problem (n) : something to be worked out, anything that is hard to understand or deal with

  30. Procedure (n): way or manner of doing business

  31. Proceed (v) : go forward, continue, go on

  32. Proceeding (n): action, behaviour

  33. Proceeds ( : issue, yield

  34. Process (n) : a course, method of doing, order issued by a law court

  35. Procession (n) : number of persons marching in a orderly way

  36. Proclaim (v) : make known publicly

  37. Proclaim (n) : proclamation

  38. Proclivity (n) : a tendency, leaning towards something, inclination

  39. Procrastination (n) : habit of delaying, postponement

  40. Procure (v) : acquire, bring about

  41. Prod (v) : to prick, to urge on

  42. Prodigal (adj.) : wasteful, liberal in giving

  43. Prodigious (adj.) : immense, great

  44. Prodigy (n) : person of abnormal ability or talents, uncommon phenomenon

Assessing Vocabulary for 27th August :

English Vocabulary Index

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