Assume: Synonyms and Antonyms
But we assumed other way that he married your sister. Synonyms: 1. Pretend 2. Affect 3. Feign 4. Shame 5. Suppose 6. Imply 7. Presume 8. Presuppose 9. Simulate Contextual Examples: She pretended that she was not at home when we rang the bell. What makes you suppose I am against it? His silence seemed to imply agreement. I presume that You still want to come. Antonyms: 1. Abandon 2. Cast-off 3. Discard 4. Reprove 5. Substantiate 6. Confirm 7. Establish 8. Verify Contextual Examples: They abandoned their land and property to the invading force. As a boy I often wore my elder brother’s cast-off. The grass was littered with discarded cans and cardboard boxes. The priest reproved people for not attending church more often. Could you substantiate your accusation against him? The Synonyms and Antonyms form an integral part of the English Language. Acquaintance with the vocabulary of the English language is a necessity for effective expression either in written or in an oral from. Synonyms are nothing but the similar meanings of a particular word or its semantic relation. A Synonym is a word or a phrase that means the same as another word or a phrase in the same language. Antonyms are the negative connotation of a particular word. An Antonym is a word or phrase that is opposite in meaning to a particular word or a phrase in the same language.