Business Dictionary : Available, Availability, Average and Averager
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Available : adjective : which can be obtained or bought
• Available in all branches
• Item no longer available
• Items available to order only
• Funds which are made available for investment in small businesses
• Available capital = capital which is ready to be used
Availability : noun : being easily obtained
• Offer subject to availability = the offer is valid only if the goods are available
NOTE : no plural
Average : noun :
(a) number calculated by adding together several figures and dividing by the number of figures added
• The average for the last three months
• The last three months' average
• Sales average
• Average of sales
Weighted Average = average which is calculated taking several factors into account giving some more value than others
On an Average = in general
• On an average £5 worth of goods are stolen every day.
(b) sharing of the cost of damage or loss of a ship between the insurers and the owners
Average Adjuster = person who calculates how much of an insurance is to be paid
General Average = sharing of the cost of the lost goods by all parties to an insurance
Particular Average = situation where part of a shipment is lost or damaged and the insurance costs are borne by the owner of the lost goods and not shared among all the owners of the shipment
Average : adjective :
(a) middle (figure)
• Average cost per unit
• Average price
• Average sales per representative
• The average figures for the last three months
• The average increase in prices
(b) not very good
• The company's performance has been only average.
• He is an average worker.
Average : verb : to produce as an average figure
• Price increases have averaged 10% per annum.
• Days lost through sickness have averaged twenty-two over the last four years.
Average Due Date : noun : date when several payments (due at different dates) are settled in one payment
Average Out : verb : to come to a figure as an average
• It averages out at 10% per annum.
• Sales increases have averaged out at 15%.
Averager : noun : person who buys the same share at various times and at various prices to give an average price
Average-Sized : adjective : not large or small
• They are an average-sized company.
• He has an average-sized office.
Averaging : noun : buying shares at different times and at different prices to give an average price
NOTE : no plural
QUOTE : A share with an average rating might yield 5 per cent and have a PER of about 10. (Investors Chronicle)
QUOTE : The average price per kilogram for this season to the end of April has been 300 cents. (Australian Financial Review)
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