Bar Chart

English Grammar Index

Active Voice and Passive Voice :

Study the following bar chart carefully and answer the questions given below by choosing the best option. (in%)

Bar Chart

Questions :

  1. The bar chart explains……

    (a) Forest land in selected States

    (b) Forest land in the selected States of India.

    (c) Percentage of forest land of the total land area in the selected States of India.

    (d) Percentage of cultivable forest land in selected States

    ANSWER : b

  2. The State that possesses the greatest percentage of forest land is……

    (a) Tamil Nadu

    (b) Kerala

    (c) Assam

    (d) M.P

    ANSWER : c

  3. The State that possesses the minimum percentage of forest land is.........

    (a) M.P.

    (b) U.P.

    (c) Bihar

    (d) T.N.

    ANSWER : c

  4. The States that have more than 70% of forest land are…….

    (a) Kerala and Assam

    (b) U.P. and M.P.

    (c) M.P., Kerala and Assam

    (d) Kerala and M.P.

    ANSWER : c

  5. The State which gets abundant rainfall is…..

    (a) Kerala

    (b) M.P.

    (c) T.N.

    (d) Assam

    ANSWER : d

English Grammar Tests

English Grammar Index

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English Grammar Index

Active Voice and Passive Voice :

Study the following bar chart carefully and answer the questions given below by choosing the best option. (in%)
