Basic English Vocabulary for 5th February

English Vocabulary Index

Basic English Vocabulary for 5th February :

  1. Bounce (n) : a jump

  2. Bounce (v) : jump

  3. Bound (n) : limit

  4. Bound (v) : leap or jump

  5. Bound (adj.) : ready, intending to go

  6. Boundary (n) : limit, line marking the border

  7. Bounden (adj.) : binding, required, obligatory

  8. Boundless (adj.) : vast, having no limit

  9. Bounteous (adj.) : plentiful, liberal

  10. Bounty (n) : generosity, gift

  11. Bout (n) : turn, course

  12. Bow (n) : a weapon of a bent shape arch, bending of the head in respect

  13. Bow (v) : pay respects

  14. Bowels (n) : entrails, inwards

  15. Bower (n) : arbour

  16. Bowl (n) : a cup, basin, a hollow, vessel

  17. Bowler (v) : a person who bowls

  18. Box (n) : box wooden chest, front seat

  19. Boxing (n) : fighting with fists

  20. Boy (n) : a lad

  21. Boyhood (n) : the period when one is a boy

  22. Boycott (v) : refuse to deal with

  23. Boyish (adj.) : characteristic of a boy

  24. Bracelet (n) : circlet, hoop, belt

  25. Bracket (n) : a stay, a support, parenthesis

  26. Brag (v) : boast

  27. Brag (n) : a boast

  28. Braggart (n) : a boaster pretender

  29. Braid (n) : a plait of hair, a woven border band

  30. Brain (n) : the substance in the skull, reason, mind

  31. Brake (n) : thicket, part of a machine used to lesson its speed

  32. Bramble (n) : brier, bush

  33. Bran (n) : the husk

  34. Branch (n) : an offshoot, bough, a subsidiary

  35. Branch (v) : spread out as a branch

  36. Brand (n) : a fire brand, mark, a sword

  37. Brandish (v) : wave with a flourish

  38. Brand-new (adj.) : quite new

  39. Brandy (n) : a kind of wine

  40. Brass (n) : an alloy of copper and zinc

  41. Brat (n) : a child

  42. Brave (adj.) : bold

  43. Brave (v) : face with courage

  44. Bravery (n) : courage

  45. Bravo (inter) : well done

  46. Bravo (v) : a hired murderer

  47. Brawl (n) : noisy quarrel

  48. Brawl (v) : quarrel

  49. Brawny (adj.) : strong

  50. Bray (n) : the cry of an ass

  51. Bray (v) : cry like an ass

  52. Brazier (n) : one who works in brass

  53. Breach (n) : a break, a gap

  54. Breach (v) : force a way

Basic English Vocabulary for 5th February :

English Vocabulary Index

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