Best English Words
for 27th February

English Vocabulary Index

Best English Words for 27th February :

  1. Connote (v) : imply, indicate

  2. Conquer (v) : get the victory over, overcome

  3. Conqueror (n) : one who conquers

  4. Conquest (n) : thing won, victory

  5. Conscience (n) : the moral sense of right and wrong

  6. Conscientious (adj.) : having scruples, governed by conscience, honest, just

  7. Conscientious (adv) : conscientiously

  8. Conscionable (adj.) : just, reasonable

  9. Conscionable (opp.) : unconscionable

  10. Conscious (adj.) : sensible

  11. Conscious (adv.) : consciously

  12. Consciousness (n) : awareness

  13. Conscript (v) : enrol (in military service) forcibly

  14. Consecrate (v) : make sacred, sanctify, devote oneself to, dedicate

  15. Consecutive (adj.) : successive, following one after another

  16. Consecutive (adv.) : consecutively

  17. Consensus (n) : general agreement among persons or parties

  18. Consent (n) : agreement

  19. Consent (v) : agree

  20. Consequence (n) : result, importance

  21. Consequent (adj.) : happening as a result of

  22. Consequent (n) : logical effect

  23. Conservancy (n) : body of men safeguarding

  24. Conservative (n) : a member of the British Conservative Party

  25. Conserve (v) : preserve, pickle

  26. Conserve (n) : conservation, conservator

  27. Consider (v) : think seriously about

  28. Considerable (adj.) : not a little, moderately large

  29. Considerate (adj.) : having courtesy and kindness, thoughtful

  30. Considerate (adv.) : considerately

  31. Consideration (n) : serious thought, pity, compensation, regard

  32. Considering (prep.) : in view of, taking into account

  33. Consign (v) : hand over, entrust, deliver or send to, deposit

  34. Consign (n) : consignment

  35. Consist (v) : be composed of

  36. Consistent (adj.) : not contradictory, firm

  37. Consolation (n) : comfort, appeasement

  38. Console (v) : cheer in distress

  39. Consolidate (v) : combine into one whole bring together, unite

  40. Consonant (n) : alphabet other than vowels

  41. Consort (n) : a partner, a husband or wife, a companion

  42. Conspiracy (n) : a plot

  43. Conspire (v) : plot

  44. Constable (n) : a policeman

  45. Constant (n) : unchanging quantity

  46. Constant (n) : constancy

  47. Constellation (n) : a group of fixed stars

  48. Constellation (n) : a gathering of great personages

Best English Words for 27th February :

English Vocabulary Index

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