Commonly Misspelled Words

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Here is the list of Commonly Misspelled Words. In order to help you understand the differenced among those words, we have provided the list with the complete collection of such words. Pay close attention to the spelling of these words when you come across them in news papers and articles. You should become familiar with all these words by using them in the sentences which you write day after day. This is the best practice for us to spell these words correct. Failing which, we will go misspelled. Over the period of time, spelling these words correctly will become our second nature.


THERE are THEIR are quite frequently misspelled words.

QUITE and QUIET are other words which are misspelled.

Since the words are more in number, we have arranged them in alphabetical order.

  1. A Lot

  2. A While

  3. Abbreviate

  4. Absence

  5. Absurd

  6. Abundance

  7. Accelerate

  8. Acceptable

  9. Accidentally

  10. Accommodate

  11. Accompanying

  12. According

  13. Accordion

  14. Accumulate

  15. Achieve

  16. Achievement

  17. Acknowledge

  18. Acquaintance

  19. Acquire

  20. Acquit

  21. Acquitted

  22. Across

  23. Address

  24. Advertise

  25. Advice

  26. Affect

  27. Aficionado

  28. Aggravate

  29. Aggression

  30. Airplane

  31. Alcohol

  32. Allege

  33. Allot

  34. Amateur

  35. Amend

  36. Among

  37. Analysis

  38. Analyze

  39. Annual

  40. Anoint

  41. Apartment

  42. Apology

  43. Apparatus

  44. Apparent

  45. Appearance

  46. Arctic

  47. Arguing

  48. Argument

  49. Arithmetic

  50. Ascend

  51. Atheist

  52. Athlete

  53. Athletic

  54. Attendance

  55. Average

  56. Awful

  57. Axle

  58. Babies

  59. Bachelor

  60. Balance

  61. Balloon

  62. Bankruptcy

  63. Barbarous

  64. Barbecue

  65. Barbecue

  66. Bare

  67. Basically

  68. Battalion

  69. Beautiful

  70. Because

  71. Becoming

  72. Before

  73. Beginning

  74. Belief

  75. Believable

  76. Believe

  77. Bellwether

  78. Beneficial

  79. Benefit

  80. Benefited

  81. Bicycle

  82. Biscuit

  83. Bookkeeper

  84. Boundaries

  85. Breathe

  86. Brilliant

  87. Britain

  88. Broccoli

  89. Bureau

  90. Burglar

  91. Business

  92. Calendar

  93. Calm

  94. Camouflage

  95. Campaign

  96. Candidate

  97. Cantaloupe

  98. Cantaloupe

  99. Carburettor

  100. Careful

  101. Caribbean

  102. Cartilage

  103. Casualties

  104. Catalogue

  105. Category

  106. Ceiling

  107. Celebrity

  108. Cellophane

  109. Cemetery

  110. Certain

  111. Changeable

  112. Changing

  113. Chaos

  114. Chaotic

  115. Chauvinism

  116. Chief

  117. Children

  118. Chilli

  119. Chocolaty

  120. Choose

  121. Chose

  122. Citizen

  123. Clothes

  124. Coliseum

  125. Collectible

  126. Colonel

  127. Coliseum

  128. Column

  129. Coming

  130. Commemorate

  131. Commission

  132. Commitment

  133. Committed

  134. Committee

  135. Comparative

  136. Compelled

  137. Competition

  138. Concede

  139. Conceivable

  140. Conferred

  141. Congratulations

  142. Conscience

  143. Conscientious

  144. Conscious

  145. Consensus

  146. Control

  147. Controversial

  148. Controversy

  149. Convenience

  150. Coolly

  151. Criticize

  152. Daiquiri

  153. Dalmatian

  154. Dealt

  155. Debater

  156. Debt

  157. Decaffeinated

  158. Decathlon

  159. Deceive

  160. Decide

  161. Defendant

  162. Deferred

  163. Definite

  164. Definitely

  165. Definition

  166. Dependent

  167. Deposit

  168. Descend

  169. Describe

  170. Description

  171. Desert

  172. Desiccate

  173. Desirable

  174. Desperate

  175. Dessert

  176. Deterrence

  177. Develop

  178. Development

  179. Dictionary

  180. Difference

  181. Dilemma

  182. Dining

  183. Diorama

  184. Disappear

  185. Disappearance

  186. Disappoint

  187. Disastrous

  188. Discipline

  189. Discreet

  190. Disease

  191. Dissatisfied

  192. Dissipate

  193. Does

  194. Dormitory

  195. Doubt

  196. Drunkenness

  197. Dumbbell

  198. During

  199. Easily

  200. Echoes

  201. Ecstasy

  202. Effect

  203. Eight

  204. Eighth

  205. Either

  206. Eligible

  207. Eliminate

  208. Embarrass

  209. Embarrassment

  210. Eminent

  211. Emphasize

  212. Encouragement

  213. Encouraging

  214. Encyclopedia

  215. Endurance

  216. Enough

  217. Environment

  218. Equipment

  219. Equipped

  220. Especially

  221. Espresso

  222. Exaggerate

  223. Exceed

  224. Excellence

  225. Excellent

  226. Except

  227. Excitement

  228. Exercise

  229. Exhilarate

  230. Existence

  231. Existent

  232. Expect

  233. Experience

  234. Experiment

  235. Explanation

  236. Extraordinary

  237. Extreme

  238. Extremely

  239. Fahrenheit

  240. Familiar

  241. Fascinate

  242. Fascinating

  243. February

  244. Feminine

  245. Fiery

  246. Finally

  247. First

  248. Flabbergast

  249. Flexible

  250. Flotation

  251. Forehead

  252. Foreign

  253. Foresee

  254. Formerly

  255. Forty

  256. Forward

  257. Forward

  258. Fourth

  259. Frantically

  260. Friend

  261. Frustum

  262. Fulfil

  263. Fundamental

  264. Gauge

  265. Generally

  266. Genius

  267. Genre

  268. Genuine

  269. Gesture

  270. Government

  271. Grammar

  272. Grandeur

  273. Grateful

  274. Grievous

  275. Gross

  276. Gruesome

  277. Guarantee

  278. Guidance

  279. Guttural

  280. Gymnasium

  281. Halloween

  282. Handkerchief

  283. Haphazard

  284. Happiness

  285. Harass

  286. Hear

  287. Heard

  288. Height

  289. Herd

  290. Heroes

  291. Hierarchy

  292. Hindrance

  293. Hoarse

  294. Hole

  295. Hoping

  296. Horrific

  297. Humorous

  298. Hungrily

  299. Hygiene

  300. Hypocrisy

  301. Hypocrite

  302. Ice Cream

  303. Ideally

  304. Identity

  305. Ignorance

  306. Illegal

  307. Illiterate

  308. Imaginary

  309. Imitate

  310. Imitation

  311. Immediate

  312. Immediately

  313. Inadvertent

  314. Incidentally

  315. Incredible

  316. Independence

  317. Independent

  318. Indispensable

  319. Inevitable

  320. Information

  321. Ingenious

  322. Innate

  323. Innocent

  324. Inoculate

  325. Insure

  326. Intellectual

  327. Intelligence

  328. Intelligent

  329. Interesting

  330. Interfere

  331. Interpretation

  332. Interruption

  333. Invitation

  334. Irascible

  335. Irrelevant

  336. Irresistible

  337. Irritable

  338. Island

  339. It’s

  340. Itinerary

  341. Its

  342. Jealous

  343. Jewellery

  344. Judgment

  345. Jumped

  346. Kernel

  347. Khaki

  348. Kindergarten

  349. Knowledge

  350. Laboratory

  351. Laid

  352. Language

  353. Lasagna

  354. Laugh

  355. Led

  356. Legible

  357. Leisure

  358. Length

  359. Lengthwise

  360. Lesson

  361. Let's

  362. Liaise

  363. Liaison

  364. Library

  365. Licence

  366. License

  367. License

  368. Lightening

  369. Lightning

  370. Likable

  371. Liquefy

  372. Loneliness

  373. Loose

  374. Lose

  375. Losing

  376. Luxurious

  377. Lying

  378. Magical

  379. Magnificent

  380. Maintain

  381. Maintenance

  382. Manoeuvre

  383. Manual

  384. Manufacture

  385. Marriage

  386. Marshmallow

  387. Mathematics

  388. Matinee

  389. Maybe

  390. Mediaeval

  391. Medicine

  392. Medieval

  393. Mediocre

  394. Memento

  395. Mere

  396. Millennium

  397. Millionaire

  398. Miniature

  399. Miniature

  400. Minuscule

  401. Minute

  402. Miscellaneous

  403. Mischief

  404. Mischievous

  405. Misogyny

  406. Missile

  407. Mississippi

  408. Misspell

  409. Mnemonic

  410. Monastery

  411. Murmur

  412. Mysterious

  413. Naive

  414. Narrative

  415. Naturally

  416. Nauseous

  417. Necessary

  418. Negotiable

  419. Negroes

  420. Neighbour

  421. Neither

  422. Nevertheless

  423. Night

  424. Ninety

  425. No One

  426. Noticeable

  427. Noticeable

  428. Nowadays

  429. Obedience

  430. Occasion

  431. Occasionally

  432. Occur

  433. Occurred

  434. Occurrence

  435. Octopus

  436. Official

  437. Often

  438. Omission

  439. Omitted

  440. Oneself

  441. Onomatopoeia

  442. Operate

  443. Opinion

  444. Opportunity

  445. Optimism

  446. Optimistic

  447. Original

  448. Ought

  449. Outrageous

  450. Overrun

  451. Paid

  452. Pamphlet

  453. Parallel

  454. Paralysis

  455. Paralyze

  456. Parliament

  457. Particular

  458. Particularly

  459. Pastime

  460. Patience

  461. Peculiar

  462. Peninsula

  463. Penitentiary

  464. People

  465. Perceive

  466. Perform

  467. Performance

  468. Permanent

  469. Permissible

  470. Perseverance

  471. Persevere

  472. Personal

  473. Personally

  474. Personnel

  475. Perspiration

  476. Persuade

  477. Pharaoh

  478. Phenomenon

  479. Physical

  480. Picnicking

  481. Picture

  482. Piece

  483. Pigeon

  484. Pistachio

  485. Plagiarize

  486. Planning

  487. Playwright

  488. Pleasant

  489. Plenitude

  490. Pneumonia

  491. Poinsettia

  492. Political

  493. Possess

  494. Possession

  495. Possibility

  496. Possible

  497. Potassium

  498. Potato

  499. Practical

  500. Practically

  501. Practice

  502. Precede

  503. Precedence

  504. Prefer

  505. Preference

  506. Preferred

  507. Prejudice

  508. Preparation

  509. Presence

  510. Presumptuous

  511. Prevalent

  512. Principal

  513. Principle

  514. Privilege

  515. Probably

  516. Procedure

  517. Proceed

  518. Profession

  519. Professional

  520. Professor

  521. Prominent

  522. Promise

  523. Pronunciation

  524. Proof

  525. Propagate

  526. Psychology

  527. Publicly

  528. Puerile

  529. Pursue

  530. Putrefy

  531. Quantity

  532. Quarantine

  533. Quarter

  534. Questionnaire

  535. Queue

  536. Quiet

  537. Quit

  538. Quite

  539. Quizzes

  540. Raspberry

  541. Raze

  542. Realize

  543. Really

  544. Recede

  545. Receipt

  546. Receive

  547. Receiving

  548. Recognize

  549. Recommend

  550. Reference

  551. Referred

  552. Referring

  553. Refrigerator

  554. Reign

  555. Relevant

  556. Relieve

  557. Religious

  558. Renaissance

  559. Renowned

  560. Repetition

  561. Rescind

  562. Reservoir

  563. Restaurant

  564. Rhyme

  565. Rhythm

  566. Ridiculous

  567. Roommate

  568. Sacrifice

  569. Sacrilegious

  570. Safety

  571. Salary

  572. Sandal

  573. Sandwich

  574. Savvy

  575. Schedule

  576. Scissors

  577. Secretary

  578. Seize

  579. Sense

  580. Sensible

  581. Separate

  582. Separation

  583. Septuagenarian

  584. Sergeant

  585. Severely

  586. Shepherd

  587. Sheriff

  588. Shining

  589. Shish Kebab

  590. Siege

  591. Similar

  592. Simile

  593. Sincerely

  594. Soldier

  595. Sophomore

  596. Sorcerer

  597. Specifically

  598. Specimen

  599. Speech

  600. Statue

  601. Stopping

  602. Strength

  603. Studying

  604. Subpoena

  605. Subtly

  606. Succeed

  607. Successful

  608. Succession

  609. Supersede

  610. Surely

  611. Surprise

  612. Tangible

  613. Tariff

  614. Technique

  615. Temperamental

  616. Temperature

  617. Temporary

  618. Tendency

  619. Their

  620. Theories

  621. There

  622. They're

  623. Threshold

  624. Threw

  625. Through

  626. Tomato

  627. Tomorrow

  628. Tongue

  629. Too

  630. Toward

  631. Tragedy

  632. Transferring

  633. Triathlon

  634. Tries

  635. Truly

  636. Twelfth

  637. Tyranny

  638. Ukulele

  639. Unanimous

  640. Undoubtedly

  641. Unfortunately

  642. Unnecessary

  643. Until

  644. Unusual

  645. Usage

  646. Using

  647. Usually

  648. Vacuum

  649. Valleys

  650. Valuable

  651. Vicious

  652. Vilify

  653. Village

  654. Villain

  655. Warfare

  656. Waste

  657. Weather

  658. Wednesday

  659. Weird

  660. Welcome

  661. We're

  662. Whether

  663. Wilful

  664. Woman

  665. Women

  666. Writing

  667. Xylophone

  668. Xerox

  669. Yacht

  670. You’re

  671. Your

  672. Zoology

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