Commonly Used English Words for 8th March

English Vocabulary Index

Commonly Used English Words for 8th March :

  1. Dabble (v) : splash in water

  2. Dabble (n) : to play in later

  3. Dace (n) : a small river fish

  4. Dacoit (n) : member of a gang of robbers

  5. Dackoit (n) : member of a gang of robbers

  6. Dad (n) : children’s term form father used familiarly

  7. Dado (n) : the wooden or coloured border on the lower few feet of the room wall

  8. Daffodil (n) : a plant with yellow flowers

  9. Daft (adj.) : silly, foolish

  10. Dagger (n) : a short sword, reference mark

  11. Daily (adj.) : pertaining to every day, on every day

  12. Daily (adv.) : pertaining to every day, on every day

  13. Daily (n) : a daily publication

  14. Dainty (adj.) : delicious, charming neat

  15. Dainty (n) : delicacy

  16. Dairy (n) : a place where milk products are kept or sold

  17. Dais (n) : a raised platform for the speaker

  18. Daisy (n) : a garden flower

  19. Dal (n) : split pulse

  20. Dale (n) : a low place between hills, a valley

  21. Dally (n) : to waste time in idleness, make love, to play

  22. Dam (n) : am embankment

  23. Dam (v) : furnish with dam, restrain

  24. Damage (n) : injury, harm, loss

  25. Damask (n) : a kind of cloth with figures and designs

  26. Dame (n) : a lady, mistress

  27. Damp (n) : wet, moist

  28. Damp (v) : to wet slightly discourage

  29. Damp (n) : fog moisture

  30. Damsel (n) : an unmarried young lady maiden

  31. Damson (n) : a small plum, the tree bearing it

  32. Dance (v) : move the body rhythmically

  33. Dance (n) : movement of the body rhythmically

  34. Dandle (v) : to fondle or toss child in the arms

  35. Dandruff (n) : dead skin in small scales under the hair

  36. Dandy (n) : one who pays great attention to dress

  37. Danger (n) : risk, peril, insecurity

  38. Dangerous (adj.) : risky, unsafe

  39. Dangle (v) : to hand loosely

  40. Dank (n) : moist, soaked

  41. Dapper (adj.) : smart, neat

  42. Dapple (adj.) : marked with rounded spot or patches of colour

  43. Dare (v) : oppose and challenge, be bold enough

  44. Darg (n) : a day’s work

Commonly Used English Words for 8th March :

English Vocabulary Index

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